There is much ado these days about LOKPAL BILL and much valuable time, money and man power is being wasted by Government and people for and against the Bill like building of RAM TEMPLE at Ayodhia the alleged birth place of Lord Rama as if Lokpal Bill and/or the building of Ram Temple are the only solutions of the ills India is suffering from ever since we achieved Independence on 15th August, 1947.
If Money is Lost nothing is Lost, If health is Lost some thing is Lost BUT if CHARACTER is lost ever thing is lost. Here after independence we Indians have lost our CHARACTER and there is need to build Character and produce PATRIOTIC citizens for which is there is no scheme or program. Its is state of Pity.
The first Question Prima facie is When all are dishonest and corrupt subject to a few exceptions from WHERE WE SHALL BRING THE HONEST LOKPAL with a tag of honesty and integrity??? . Now a days Honest person is he who does not get the opportunity to be dis-honest. Now lets review the situations below:-
We have made Law RIGHT TO EDUCATION - Those who do not want to study for various reasons are asked to study and those who want to study do not get seats in Schools & colleges. Parents are to DONATE in the name of building funds and for furniture. Central & State Governments and Supreme Court inspite of their best efforts for many years after in dependence could not come out with fool proof admission policy .Children who are aware of the fact that for their admission their parents had to pay bribe in the name of Donations remain honest during the walk of their life. Education is being AUCTIONED. Is it short of corruption??
After School/ College – there are no jobs. Young children have to pay bribe for getting jobs. Do you expect they shall remain honest and shall not indulge in corruption?? Young blood with University degrees including professional one’s like BBA, MBA, BCA and indulging into criminal activities. Such reports are on record. Who is responsible for creating young educated criminals?? Govt of course. Young people have energy. It must be used properly for creative purposes failing which the energy shall do destructive things by joining under world, Nexalites, Maoist, terrorists and so one. Is it not the cause of Corruption ??
In all Public dealing offices MCD, POLICE, TAX Depts corruption is order of the day. For getting child birth recorded and/or for recording even death one has to pay bribe. No Govt Department is free from corruption. Even the street sweeper asks for Baksheesh. Is it not corruption?? Our bureaucrats, Embassy stall & officers, Military officers to the rank of Generals, Members of Parliament & MLA’s Municipal Councilors are all corrupt as per facts reported in media. Legislators are corrupt, Executive are corrupt, Judiciary is corrupt. Media is corrupt they do not pay attention to the views of common man who does not entertain them and/or who is not a big gun. When all the System is corrupt from Where shall come the Honest man to be appointed as HONEST LOKPAL.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely- When the LOKPAL has power to haul up Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India and all other Judges and Bureaucrats Legislators, Executives and Judicial officers shall he not become a despotic????
Politicians Vs LokPal./Lok Ayukt—Recently Justice Manmohan Sareen (Retd Delhi High Court Judge) appointed as Delhi Lok Ayukt after investigation found Shri Raj Kumar Chauhan a Delhi Govt Minister involved in corrupt practices and recommended his removal from the post BUT CM through Home Ministry got the pleasure of President of India for his continuation in the post and there after Justice Manmohan Sareen has requested the disclosure of the reasons for not honouring his recommendations for removal of the Minister. IS IT NOT A FUS OF LOK AYUKT AND THE SAME SHALL BE THE FATE OF LOKPAL- PONDER OVER.
R.N.PRABHAKAR (9810249229)