Tuesday, June 28, 2011

lokpal bill


There is much ado these days about LOKPAL BILL and much valuable time, money and man power is being wasted by Government and people for and against the Bill like building of RAM TEMPLE at Ayodhia the alleged birth place of Lord Rama as if Lokpal Bill and/or the building of Ram Temple are the only solutions of the ills India is suffering from ever since we achieved Independence on 15th August, 1947.

If Money is Lost nothing is Lost, If health is Lost some thing is Lost BUT if CHARACTER is lost ever thing is lost. Here after independence we Indians have lost our CHARACTER and there is need to build Character and produce PATRIOTIC citizens for which is there is no scheme or program. Its is state of Pity.

The first Question Prima facie is When all are dishonest and corrupt subject to a few exceptions from WHERE WE SHALL BRING THE HONEST LOKPAL with a tag of honesty and integrity??? . Now a days Honest person is he who does not get the opportunity to be dis-honest. Now lets review the situations below:-


We have made Law RIGHT TO EDUCATION - Those who do not want to study for various reasons are asked to study and those who want to study do not get seats in Schools & colleges. Parents are to DONATE in the name of building funds and for furniture. Central & State Governments and Supreme Court inspite of their best efforts for many years after in dependence could not come out with fool proof admission policy .Children who are aware of the fact that for their admission their parents had to pay bribe in the name of Donations remain honest during the walk of their life. Education is being AUCTIONED. Is it short of corruption??

After School/ College – there are no jobs. Young children have to pay bribe for getting jobs. Do you expect they shall remain honest and shall not indulge in corruption?? Young blood with University degrees including professional one’s like BBA, MBA, BCA and indulging into criminal activities. Such reports are on record. Who is responsible for creating young educated criminals?? Govt of course. Young people have energy. It must be used properly for creative purposes failing which the energy shall do destructive things by joining under world, Nexalites, Maoist, terrorists and so one. Is it not the cause of Corruption ??


In all Public dealing offices MCD, POLICE, TAX Depts corruption is order of the day. For getting child birth recorded and/or for recording even death one has to pay bribe. No Govt Department is free from corruption. Even the street sweeper asks for Baksheesh. Is it not corruption?? Our bureaucrats, Embassy stall & officers, Military officers to the rank of Generals, Members of Parliament & MLA’s Municipal Councilors are all corrupt as per facts reported in media. Legislators are corrupt, Executive are corrupt, Judiciary is corrupt. Media is corrupt they do not pay attention to the views of common man who does not entertain them and/or who is not a big gun. When all the System is corrupt from Where shall come the Honest man to be appointed as HONEST LOKPAL.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely- When the LOKPAL has power to haul up Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India and all other Judges and Bureaucrats Legislators, Executives and Judicial officers shall he not become a despotic????

Politicians Vs LokPal./Lok Ayukt—Recently Justice Manmohan Sareen (Retd Delhi High Court Judge) appointed as Delhi Lok Ayukt after investigation found Shri Raj Kumar Chauhan a Delhi Govt Minister involved in corrupt practices and recommended his removal from the post BUT CM through Home Ministry got the pleasure of President of India for his continuation in the post and there after Justice Manmohan Sareen has requested the disclosure of the reasons for not honouring his recommendations for removal of the Minister. IS IT NOT A FUS OF LOK AYUKT AND THE SAME SHALL BE THE FATE OF LOKPAL- PONDER OVER.

R.N.PRABHAKAR (9810249229)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

life is flowing river


People who are mature enough to understand often pose a question what is life, for what purpose and what goal to achieve and we all during the age of 20’s receive education in school and colleges to learn so many subjects so that we may lead a purposeful life and achieve higher goals to live comfortably in life. All efforts are other oriented. We have two eyes and use them to see objective things out side in front of our eyes. No one can see his or her own face which is not only so close but the identity mark on our body without the help of a small article called a Mirror. We know every thing about others but not about our self. We have time for other things but no time to know about SELF and its unique character.

Life is a flowing River. River contains water which is Life. Our body contains about 65% water which keeps us flowing, flexible. Adaptable. Fresh .rejuvenated and helps in digestion of food we eat and to flush out the excreta to be used as a manure for helping growth of vegetation in fields and the water which is life not only helps in our body growth but also helps for the growth for Trees, vegetables and other useful edible things for the nourishment of our body so its evolution and revolution of un -manifested Energy into manifested things including our body. The character of the Water is to flow or Fly. Flowing water is called River, therefore, life should and must flow. Stagnated water in ponds and lakes gets foul and unwanted weed grows on and around the stagnated water in ponds & Lakes which are like family attachments and/or social bonds and hence we often experience unwanted quarrels, conflicts in families because of life is not freely flowing and the blocks are holding the fresh water which sails oozing out foul smell which is not relished by the sense of smell.

As per the Platonic theory and things return to its source and the same is true about water also. As per the nature of the water it flows or flies. The scientific law of centrifugal and centripetal, going away from the centre & coming back to the centre also supports the nature of Water. Clouds are formed when water reaches back into the Ocean Flies in the form of vapors, rains watering the earth the fields where crops are grown, quenches the thirst of Living beings on earth and again reverts back to the Ocean.

The purpose of this article is to share with like minded people curious to know about life is that we should and must apart from looking out side into the objective world should and must look within through introvert vision by virtue of Yoga and other meditative techniques to realize the Subject within, and follow the nature of water to Help others in the growth of life, be colorless don’t wear religious tags water is simply water having no particular religion but its nature is to help all whosoever comes into its contact, be on the move because movement is life stillness is Death Water has no Ego, it molds itself according to the container so must be our life too. Obstacles may come to go but life show must go on. Ego is the Block which keeps you manifested limited Energy Egoless ness is Freedom Unmanifested eternal Energy the Subject within your -SELF You are the physical body SELF within you is the subject Eternal fresh Flowing and flying like water which is Life for one and all.

R.N. PRABHAKAR: - Author is Delhi based Spiritualist, Yogi, Meditator Senior citizen & Senior Lawyer

Thursday, June 9, 2011


R. N. PRABHAKAR off-cum-res Phone: 011-23612712

Mobile: 9810249229


HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)

Author, Social Activist, Spiritualist, Motivator & Yogi Karol Bagh, New Delhi–110 005


Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association



(News Hindustantimes dated June 9, 2011 by Brajendra K Parashar)

This being a Court Judgment I have nothing to say either for or against the Judgment of the Court because I am neither a Court of Appeal nor the Law making authority but being a thinker an author, a spiritualist, yogi, motivator and Lawyer by profession since 1964 wish to share my personal views with Human Beings the general masses of India in particular and to PONDER OVER by them on the following points:-

1 India is known as BHARAT VARSHA one of the very ancient civilizations, culture having some moral values based on our religious scriptures from as back as the creation of VEDAS and ARYAN civilization and we Indians are predominantly religious and believe in SOMBHAVA & VISHWA KUTUMBHKUM Universal Brotherhood and on the philosophy of LIVE & LET LIVE Our religious scriptures and other folk stories are all full of instances and narrations when DEVAS Vs DEMONS used to fight for SELF RESPECT & HONOUR OF the cult, tribe and or territory at the cost of valuable lives and the two of the Epics most popular are worth mentioning by the common masses in view of the present contest.

2 RAMAYANS : without going into well known details confining to the topic in question SITA was kidnapped by RAVANA and Lord RAMA has to wage a war against Ravana where in large number of warriors were killed before SITA could be free from the captivity of Ravana. WHETHER THIS WAS NOT AN HONOUR KILLING ?: WHETHER THE BLIND LAW OF THE LAND HANG RAMA FOR HONOUR KILLING ?

3 MAHABHARTHA: DHROPDHI was put to stake in Gambling by Pandavas and Kourvas tried to make her naked in the whole view of their Parliament and at a function later on Dhropdhi remarked about Kourvas ANDHA KA BETA ANDHA and this was taken as an insult by Kourvas which led to the great was of Mahabhartha were its said 18 khoshonies of army were killed. This too was a war of HONOUR KILLING wherein Lord Krishna sided with Pandavas . Will our Blind folded Goddess of Justice treat Lord Krishna as Accomplice and Pandavas as Honour Killers??

4 Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches – I am a senior citizen of 75 years and during my life I have experienced a good number of matters where there used to be Fights to save the Honour of the family and/or of the village and people used to kill the offender who trespassed over their sphere of honour. In our India Culture its well knows that most of the wars are over ZAR, ZAMEEN AND JOHRU (WEALTH, PROPERTY & WOMAN) this has been the cause of wars among DAVAS Vs DEMONS, this was for Ramayana & Mahabhartha and this shall remain till the end of Humanity because of POSSESSIVENESS be in Nature of Mankind come what may.

5 (THE) INDIAN PENAL CODE was enacted as back as 1860 by the British Rulers for Administrative & Law & Order purposes without taking into view the Indian Cultural and Moral values inherent in the blood of Indian masses. Since 1860 much water has follow by in the River of Life and very recently while dealing with the property of legitimate Vs Illegitimate child the Hon’ble Supreme Court has observed the Society gas changed substantially and we need change of the law and the matter has been referred to a larger bench of the Apex Court for decision.

6 Here also abouit the HONOUR KILLING involving the respect & honour of the family matter needs to be debated by inviting public openions, fresh laws be anected keeping in view the traditions, usages, customa, culture and moral values attached to the matter witj regard to emotions and sentiments of the people. Court Judgment may not be the end all there may be element of revengeful attitude from generations to generations. Standing Armies & Statutory Laws have never solved any problem and shall never solve in future also. There is ban on smoking & Drinking in Public Whether it has Worked?? There is death for Murder Whether Mouders have stopped??

7 In a REPUBLIC where public is the ultimate ruler Laws and Norms of life should & must come from Public but not from Public representatives who have become Public Bosses & Public Preachers to preach as to how people must & should live. Old Habits die Hard. WE NEED URGENT DEBATE to carry out Public Reforms in Republic of India a Social Welfare State. DE-JURE & DE-FACTO laws are quiet different. PREACH WHAT YOU PRACTICE .should be the Motto of Law Makers & Law enforcers.Posted In Public interest for public to PONDER OVER as my personal views MALACE TO NONE.



R. N. PRABHAKAR off-cum-res Phone: 011-23612712

Mobile: 9810249229


HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)

Author, Social Activist, Spiritualist, Motivator & Yogi Karol Bagh, New Delhi–110 005


Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association



(News Hindustantimes dated June 9, 2011 by Brajendra K Parashar)

This being a Court Judgment I have nothing to say either for or against the Judgment of the Court because I am neither a Court of Appeal nor the Law making authority but being a thinker an author, a spiritualist, yogi, motivator and Lawyer by profession since 1964 wish to share my personal views with Human Beings the general masses of India in particular and to PONDER OVER by them on the following points:-

1 India is known as BHARAT VARSHA one of the very ancient civilizations, culture having some moral values based on our religious scriptures from as back as the creation of VEDAS and ARYAN civilization and we Indians are predominantly religious and believe in SOMBHAVA & VISHWA KUTUMBHKUM Universal Brotherhood and on the philosophy of LIVE & LET LIVE Our religious scriptures and other folk stories are all full of instances and narrations when DEVAS Vs DEMONS used to fight for SELF RESPECT & HONOUR OF the cult, tribe and or territory at the cost of valuable lives and the two of the Epics most popular are worth mentioning by the common masses in view of the present contest.

2 RAMAYANS : without going into well known details confining to the topic in question SITA was kidnapped by RAVANA and Lord RAMA has to wage a war against Ravana where in large number of warriors were killed before SITA could be free from the captivity of Ravana. WHETHER THIS WAS NOT AN HONOUR KILLING ?: WHETHER THE BLIND LAW OF THE LAND HANG RAMA FOR HONOUR KILLING ?

3 MAHABHARTHA: DHROPDHI was put to stake in Gambling by Pandavas and Kourvas tried to make her naked in the whole view of their Parliament and at a function later on Dhropdhi remarked about Kourvas ANDHA KA BETA ANDHA and this was taken as an insult by Kourvas which led to the great was of Mahabhartha were its said 18 khoshonies of army were killed. This too was a war of HONOUR KILLING wherein Lord Krishna sided with Pandavas . Will our Blind folded Goddess of Justice treat Lord Krishna as Accomplice and Pandavas as Honour Killers??

4 Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches – I am a senior citizen of 75 years and during my life I have experienced a good number of matters where there used to be Fights to save the Honour of the family and/or of the village and people used to kill the offender who trespassed over their sphere of honour. In our India Culture its well knows that most of the wars are over ZAR, ZAMEEN AND JOHRU (WEALTH, PROPERTY & WOMAN) this has been the cause of wars among DAVAS Vs DEMONS, this was for Ramayana & Mahabhartha and this shall remain till the end of Humanity because of POSSESSIVENESS be in Nature of Mankind come what may.

5 (THE) INDIAN PENAL CODE was enacted as back as 1860 by the British Rulers for Administrative & Law & Order purposes without taking into view the Indian Cultural and Moral values inherent in the blood of Indian masses. Since 1860 much water has follow by in the River of Life and very recently while dealing with the property of legitimate Vs Illegitimate child the Hon’ble Supreme Court has observed the Society gas changed substantially and we need change of the law and the matter has been referred to a larger bench of the Apex Court for decision.

6 Here also abouit the HONOUR KILLING involving the respect & honour of the family matter needs to be debated by inviting public openions, fresh laws be anected keeping in view the traditions, usages, customa, culture and moral values attached to the matter witj regard to emotions and sentiments of the people. Court Judgment may not be the end all there may be element of revengeful attitude from generations to generations. Standing Armies & Statutory Laws have never solved any problem and shall never solve in future also. There is ban on smoking & Drinking in Public Whether it has Worked?? There is death for Murder Whether Mouders have stopped??

7 In a REPUBLIC where public is the ultimate ruler Laws and Norms of life should & must come from Public but not from Public representatives who have become Public Bosses & Public Preachers to preach as to how people must & should live. Old Habits die Hard. WE NEED URGENT DEBATE to carry out Public Reforms in Republic of India a Social Welfare State. DE-JURE & DE-FACTO laws are quiet different. PREACH WHAT YOU PRACTICE .should be the Motto of Law Makers & Law enforcers.Posted In Public interest for public to PONDER OVER as my personal views MALACE TO NONE.



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

R. N. PRABHAKAR off-cum-res Phone: 011-23612712

ADVOCATE Mobile:09810249229

HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)

President: Karol Bagh, New Delhi–110 005

Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association

Date: June 7, 2011




If Money is lost nothing is lost, if Health is lost some thing is lost but if character is lost every thing is lost. We in India after Independence in 1947 have lost character in all walks of life be it Politics, Religion, Social, Moral, Education, Business and/or Bureaucracy and are following the centaury old law enacted by British Rulers for administrative and for maintaining Law and Order in their Ruled colony but not their social welfare state such laws need to be reviewed in the republic of India as enshrined in the constitution but far from de-facto in practive. WE NEED INTELLECTUAL’S REVIEW OF DEMOCRACY.

Dr Radha Krishnan, our 2nd president has observed CORRUTION IS RAMPANT IN INDIA- What we have learnt??

Justice R.C. Lohati Chief Justice of India since retired made remarks LET COURTS BE CLOSED & LET THEM (Govt) do whatsoever they like. WHAT we have learnt??

Justice B.N. Agarwal since retired from SUPREME COURT has observed EVEN GOD CANNOT CHANGE OUR COUNTRY. What we have learnt ??.


Very recently Mr R.K. DHAWAN who was once Principal Secretary to Late PM Indira Gandhi and close associate to Gandhi family then has volunteered an advice that Gandhi’s should beware of their relatives and friends. What is the impact of that golden advice??


On 4th June,2011 Night BABA RAM DEV after obtaining due permission from the concerned authorities was in National Interest exercising his Fundamental Right as mentioned above holding SATYA GRAH FAST alongwith his followers who are citizens of India and also VOTERS who voted the Ministers to power but the gathering who were peaceful without arms at mid night operation without the due show cause notice were evicted from the venue by using unwarranted and uncalled for brutal force resulting into insult, injuries including grievous and fatal without any sort of provocation and apprehension of breach of peace, without exercising due diligence and logic about the use and extent of brutal force to be used on innocent people who were resting and/or singing devotional and/or national songs through the POLICE the visual arm of the Government having power of LAW which is blind, the use of Lathi. Stick of Law through orders of Blind Law enforcers is like the use of Lathi and/or Arms by a Blind person(s) who cannot see and realize who is who and how much force is required for the purpose. UNDUE /EXCESSIVE USE OF LAWFUL FORCE BECOMES UN-LAWFUL AND GIVES TO THE VICTIM THE LAWFUL RIGHT OF SELF DEFENCE WHICH BABA & his followers could use had he been a seasoned Politician. THE USE OF UNDUE FORCE ON INNOCENT PEOPLE INCLUDING CHILDREN WOMEN AND ELDERLY PERSONS IS A FLAGRANT ABUSE OF POWER which has been rightly condemned by one and all concerned citizens of so called REPUBLIC is there is any in fact.

To argue a matter before a Court of Law is one thing quiet different from to argue and deal with the Court of People, the voters in democracy who voted the Government to power and are the ultimate rulers as per the constitution of India. Mr Kapil Sibal and Mr P Chidambram both Lawyers by profession have displayed the lack of tact and diplomacy expected from Ministers in a social welfare state. They have drugged the grave of Congress party because of immaturity demonstrated while dealing with the leader of the masses who was holding peaceful SATYA GRAH in public and National interest. Govt has committed Blunder in curable and shall have to reap the result – perhaps UPA has become tired to run the Government and need rest to sit in opposition.

LAW IS BLIND – IT ONLY HEARS BUT AS PER LAW HEARSAY IS NO EVIDENCE APPLYING THE SAME YARD STICK JUDGEMENT BASED ON HEAR SAY IS NO CORRECT AND TENABLE JUDGEMENT. Each human being is unique in all respects and each Unique person has his/her Unique problems which cannot be solved through a patented solution the Blind Law. Life is like a flowing River wherein you cannot take bath twice in the same flowing waters. Human being has emotions, sentiments and the face which is the mirror of Mind you can read the mind of a person through his/her face but the Law being Blind cannot read the face resulting into injustice causing frustration among law abiding citizens. Judge too hears, does not use his face reading power which cannot be supported by evidence. Hence miscarriage of justice occurs. We need human approach to the matters not application of blind law.

If peaceful assembly without holding arms is declared unlawful and forced to leave a particular place then whether the Government prefers AND prompts demonstration of power on roads, disturbing peace of mind , causing inconveniences to law abiding citizens, damaging and destroying public property. SHALL THIS BE IN PUBLIC AND NATIONAL INTEREST – GOVT HAS BECOME BANKRUPT OF WISDOM PONDER OVER


E-mail: lawman_Prabhakar@yahoo.co.uk