Saturday, July 28, 2012


IT’s  A DAD; TIWARI’s DNA TEST IS POSITIVE. News published in Hindustan  Times dated 28th July, 2012.

Lord Jesus said ‘LOVE IS GOD’ – Which Love?  Whether Physical Love  or Spiritual Love.  In my Book “ Gems for Life” I have explained meaning of  four letters word LOVE  in Mundane World and Spiritual World. Our body is the Unique Temple of GOD and the SOUL/ATMA a segment of MAHA SOUL is manifested  through our Body which is abode of God on Earth. Since we are all children of God, we must behave in the manner befitting to  be the Children  of God. Love is PRAYER/WORSHIP BUT NEVER A SIN  but now a days Love is abused, treated only as biological intercourse  confined only to body level and this is wrong interpretation of the word Love. Its not that Love about which Lord Jesus talked as God. Love is Symbolic of God – the ARDHNARISHWAR,  half male & half female, conjunction of positive & negative Energies where two becomes ONE and the Light becomes visible through electrical device and the sadhak  proclaims ‘AHAMBRAHMOASMI” – I AM THE GOD.  Lord Krishna Practised  with his girl friend this love and became LORD KRISHNA . Meera  was mad in Love for Lord Krishna.  Heer Ranjha, Sohani Mahiwal  have become living legends and their love is still remembered through rhymes sung by people. That was pure, true Love about which OSHO  too talked through his famous Book  GOD THROUGH SEX- SAMBHOOG SA SAMADHI.  I too often say woman is bold and courageous than man in the matter of Sex also and this has been proved by UJJWALA SHARMA  who was in true Love with Narain Dutt Tiwari.

  LOVE IS PROROGATIVE OF THE BOLD  Like Princes Diana, Prince James they were strong enough to admit the true Love with their respective lover/beloved. Narain Dutt Tiwari  is a timid person. He is not fit to be a leader of the masses. A person who cannot defend himself how can he be supposed to defend masses whom he represented or represents. He abused Love which is a pious act, he misused his beloved Ujjwala Sharma, caused humiliation, insult, annoyance and agony to the gentle lady with pure Soul. Persons like Narain Dutt Tiwari must be given exemplary punishment in full public view deterrent to the effect that no one in future dares to do such an heinous act with the pious soul. Narain Dutt Tiwari is a criminal to be exposed to Public but he requested the Hon’ble  Court no to Public the DNA report. It’s  a   matter of SHAMA for Tiwari and I CONGRATULATE the Hon’ble Court for making the DNA report Public under no pressure from Tiwari.

Tiwari’s case is only the first and the last of such matters. The Judgments will open fold gates for many such matters because those who wear white do not necessarily possess the while hearts. I CONGRATULATE MR ROHIT SHEKHAR FOR THE BOLD STAND TAKEN IN THE RIGHTOUS WAS AGAINST ABUSE OF LOVE. MAY GOD BLESS HIM. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

IF GOD CREATED ALL THINGS, THEN WHO CREATED HIM? (Mr Khushwant Singh, Hindustan Times Dt 22-7-2012 Page 16)
I, have great respect & regards for Mr Khushwant Singh and wish to meet him some times. I am a senior Lawyer by profession, a Senior citizen of 76 years and a OSHO sanyasi by the name SWAMI ANAND AMAN. My answer to Mr Singh's query is as follows:-

Mr Khushwant Singh writes' The truth us that life on earth was not created. It evolved as did every living creature. Here the question arises Who is behind EVOLUTION?  I agree with Singh there there is no GOD in any form as we presume and feel through idols Deities in Temples and/or described the religious scriptures. I had written an article which was published in Hindustan Times dated !st June, 2007 'GOD IS ENERGY' and I request Mr Singh to kindly take the trouble to read it.

My blunt and straighjt answer to Mr Singh's query is !st of all God is not a thing. It  is creator, things are created Creator is not. God is manifested  out of its own sweet will as stated in Gita.   Grass grows of its own. There is NO seed but the whole earn is green. Greenery if food for living beings. We find lightning is clouds, who manifests it?  God is invisible and cannot be captured  like Wind. Breath is essential for living beings. We inhale & exhale breath but we cannot see the AIR with naked eyes. We cannot hold breath  within or we cannot stop the breath to come in. We start feeling suffocated. And in case show how Breath is stopped the person dies. The Air we breath in and out not only contains Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc but invisible PRAN which is  life Force Energy   functioning in every living being. God is fragrance which cannot be seen but felt only. Light is available in Water- we use hydro electric light, but water is cool. we don't find light in it. There is certain process to take out light from water as there is process to take out butter or butter oil from milt. In the same manner there is process meditation to come across and feel the divine energy which is capable to manifest itself.  Mr Singh must feel, contemplate and be thankful to God and/or Divine Energy that moves within the body of Mr Singh and within each living being that it chooses to move about through the manifested form of the body of Singh and/or in any other body.  GOD IS CAPABLE TO MANIFEST ITSELF it is not subjected to creation.

Some times back Mr Singh talked of Indian way of meditation . Meditation is  meditation There is NO Indian way and/or any other way. It is going beyond  BODY-MIND. Going beyond gravitation zone and entering into levitation zone. The seeker is No more but only the SOUL which is ENERGY melting, merging and mingling with the supreme soul to form a big circle of ENERGY big O  from where we all came to to which we shall dissolve. A day will come the BODY shall be no more but the claimant of the body shall leave it un-noticed. that is GOD my respected Mr Khushwant Singh. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.