Monday, February 25, 2013


Life is the Living Instinct in Form by Eternity. Life is eternal. There is no beginning and there is no end too. If Life is eternal and Death being the other side of the Life, it means death too is eternal because there can be no Coin with one side only.

What is Eternity? Eternity is eternal, OMNIPRESENT, immovable, constant and everlasting, with no beginning and of course no end. It is unmanifested SOUL, unthinkable and immutable  absolutely at the Will of GOD you may call it by any name Parmatma, Atma, Spirit, Energy and it functions under a scientific Law called Centrifugal and Centripetal that is coming towards the centre and going away from the centre and according to Plato all which goes away from the centre comes back to the centre after covering a specific cycle. Hence the SOUL is real which never ceases and the unreal has no existence. Soul is immortal, imperishable by which all this is pervading because no one can bring its destruction by any known and/or unknown means. Soul being eternal is never born nor dies. It simply manifests and unmanifests. When it manifests in some objective Form hardly anyone perceives through meditation sitting totally in silence and/or being totally in Love with his/her beloved’s body which functions because 0f the presence of the SOUL , which is active segment of the Supreme Soul, Parmatma/Atma. By inhaling the Pran/Spirit comes into your body and it is called Live and by exhaling the Pran/Spirit goes out and during that friction the body is dead.  Therefore, we living beings are constantly living & dying and after birth death is the only certain reality of life.

All devices which can be operated by Electric current function which the electric current is plugged into it and if the electric current is unplugged the electrical gadget becomes  nonfunctional that is becomes dead. At that time where does the electric current go. It goes back to its source. In the same manner the Atma which is segment of Parmatma the Supreme Spirit merges and mingles into the OMNIPRESENT eternal energy all around us and forms part of the big whole just as a rain drop and/or flowing river when falls into the Ocean although lost’s it identity but becomes inseparable part of the Ocean Hence death makes you the WHOLE.  Therefore, never condemn Death since Life comes out of death.

The Soul is unmanifest, unthinkable and it cannot be transplanted and/or mutated by any means available to humanbeings and at the will of GOD the Omniscient it can be given a new body to dwell in. That is why I say LIVING BODY IS THE ONLY UNIQUE TEMPLE OF GOD TO BE WORSHIPPED. If you have a Lover/Beloved you don’t need a God in illusion.

Death is the night for rest after hard work done during the day and during the night you are rejuvenated since your bioenergy  recharges you body and next morning you feel fresh to undertake the hectic routine of your life.  Hence Life and Death are necessary, balancing powers and two sides of the same coin.  Death is painted dark as Night, welcome it because it resurrects and rejuvenates you and/or makes you the whole. 

Monday, February 18, 2013


Life is a learning school. I being a Senior Citizen of 76+ years of age, a senior Lawyer by profession since 1964, a senior OSHO sanyasi by choice living a recluse life an apolitical person but Human at heart, Logician by Mind wish to know the LAW – statutory, Religious, Moral, social and/or under any other system which permits the executor without any sanction of any Law to imprison any DEAD BODY in Prison after the convict is hanged till death by the order of  Court of Law?

It may sound strange but is true fact happened in India a Secular democratic Republic where Afzal Guru’s body after hanged till death was not handed over to his family for last rites but buried in Tihar Jail on 9th February. Without commenting on the Judgment of death sentence ‘ hang till death’
Ø    Is there any order for the  Executor to imprison the dead body in Jail compound in grave.
Ø     Does it not amount to imprisoning the dead body without any Judicial order by the competent Court established by Law of the Land?
Ø    Is there any precedent having support of Human Right Agencies in India and/or abroad which supports Imprisoning any Dead body and if so for WHAT offence and Under which Law ?

Humanity demands that body of Afzar Guru be handed over to his family with due regards for the dead body.

Friday, January 18, 2013



Known history of Humanity with active Mind reveals that all whom we declare as incarnation of GOD, have suffered in their form of Physical Body, be it Jesus, Mohammed, Ram, Krishna,  Buddha, Mahavir, and/or any other so called Godman/Godwoman, and/or the so called Church, Temple, shrine of any established religion created by Man in physical Form. Idols of Deities and assets belonging to the shrine are stolen  by thieves or plundered by robbers so WHO IS GOD?, WHAT IS GOD? & WHERE IS GOD? WHO CANNOT PROTECT HIMSELF/HERSELF? AND HOW HE/SHE SHALL PROTECT HIS/HER DEVOTES?? This valid Question is bound to arise in the mind of every sane person.

Our religious scriptures/literature says GOD is INVISABLE and just believe without any doubt or any iota of suspicion . Here again a question arises WHY GOD cannot protect his/her Idols and assets from being stolen or robbed by his supreme power much better being Invisible since it shall not have to fight a physical war with thieves and robbers?  This discreet and logical reasoning belief the invisibility of some Power symbolic to Idols/Deities and/or Religious scriptures. But the proposition at hand still remains un-answered  although it is TRUE.

I say GOD IS ENERGY and that Energy is OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT& OMNIPOTENT IN THE COSMOS but it is FORMLESS, COLOURLESS  AND INVISABLE TOO LIKE AIR AND ADAPTABLE/FLEXIBLE/VOLATILE LIKE AIR AND WATER the two essential elements of which all subjective things/figures/devices are made of and that is the SUBJECT while all others are OBJECTS be it called by any noun.

OSHO says DON’T BELIEVE but do EXPERIMENT  to find out, discover the Supreme wealth, hidden treasure within you. SPIRITUALITY is the SCIENCE to discover GOD, ATMA, SPIRIT within you  and that Spirit you may call it by any name is GOD which helps through its agents within you called SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS, COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS & COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS with which you are continuously connected through INHALING & EXHAILING  OF BREATH- which is the Bridge Between ATMA & PARAM ATMA =  we biological bodies call GOD.

The Question still remains unanswered  then HOW GOD helps those who help themselves?   Our biological Body is the Device/a machine which functions by virtue of POWER you may call it Electricity. Say for example the Computer which functions because of electric power, when electric current is plugged to the device, it becomes active to display what ever has been feeded  into it. In the same manner when you are OPEN, vacant, not occupied and conditioned with gospels, rituals, dogmas, fictions of any type and read to act SPONTANIOUSLY and respond to the COSMIC advice called INTUTION  to do and by the WILL POWER generated through PRANAYAM/ MEDITATION  WHICH IS YOGA  that is Union, connection, cooperation & coordination between biological body and metaphysical body, your desired propositions start to sprout like soaked seeds in water and/or under Earth in the companionship, help, coordination & cooperation of the Five elements of which the whole Cosmos is made of and human being is a segment of the WHOLE. When the segment honestly resolves the parent whole comes to its help in all possible manner but REMEMBER the Resolve must be realistic not Material because only LIKE CAN BE MIXED IN THE LIKE.

Religions talk of service. Abserd /rubbish.  Service with LOVE is like a beautiful corpse, its over form may be lovely but its Lifeless.

HENCE GOD HELPS THOSE WHO IS NOT SLAVES OF MIND BUT ARE ATTACHED TO THE DIVINE THROUGH MEDITATION & PRANAYAM and use their OWN WILL POWER which can move mountains of negativity/Darkness/ fear/greed generated by vested institutions from Family level, Religious level, Social level, political level and what not. That is why Lord Buddha said’AAPO DEEPO  BHAV. Each individual is UNIQUE with unique potential to find and pave its own path. Never judge others & never allow others to judge you. Master yourself in your best interest as per the blue print already prepared for you and being constantly being monitored by the MASTER perfect the GOD.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hence BALATKAR is a coined work of BAL+ATI+AKAR =RAPE that is use of Force to achieve the desire. It is use of force/power against the WILL of the opposite person.

In this universe there is NO one without desire, but  one needs prudence, discreet, balance, wisdom to get fulfillment of desire. Our Body consists of three main components that is BODY+ MIND+ SOUL. For the maintenance and development  of our Physical body we need Food as the fuel for the proper functioning of the physical body. MIND  needs thought as its food for its proper functioning. Thought power is a very potential ENERGY, which needs proper deployment – for creative work and/or for Destructive work. SOUL  = ATMA,PRAN,  SPIRIT is the divine part/segment attached to the body which  by virtue of which the FUNCTIONING ENERGY comes into out Body through INHALING & EXHAILING of breath from the AIR, one of the FIVE essential elements of which our physical body is made of.
And food for the SOUL is LOVE – a four letter word  having wide  meaning in Mundane world & for SPIRITUAL world, one may refer by book HINDU DEITIES & DOGMAS VS SPIRITUALITY and/or the seeker may contact me personally at my mobile 9810249229, but LOVE is often misinterpreted and abused for sexual intercourse where as True Love is PRAYER/ WORSHIP of  the peak quality.

BALATKAR is common in the MUNDANE WORLD = which is ABUSE OF POWER/ FORCE. There is old saying that POWER CORRUPPTES & ABSOLTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY and that is going on since inception of the Mundane world and shall continue till its End the DOOMS DAY about which I had predicted  long back and CRY OF BACY BLACE WHOLE has been heard/observed by the scientists and resentment, anguish against the man made SYSTEM is seen on ground in the form of Public cries,  protests, terrorism  and/or from groups with different IDEOLOGIES seeking REVOLUTION on success or to be termed as REVOLD if suppressed, which is now impossible.  Society is wounded and a little pinprick causes commotion.

RAPE = BALATKAR is common from Family level to World level, inter alia, in the following examples:-

Ø                Dominating husband does Balatkar on wife often in Failities. That is why USELESS in fructuous, superfluous  Law about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE on women is there. Law about Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citzens is an other example like DOWRY ACT which are within the ambit of BALATKAR.
Ø                ABUSE of Dominating Position is common at all levels as BALATKAR.
Ø                DELAY AMOUNTING to denial of speedy Justice because of procedural technilities is yet as other example of BALATKAR over substentative law leading to corruption/frustration.
Ø                PUBLIC RERESENTATIVES from Ordinary persons becoming VIP’s and treating the VOTER who made them King being treated as WORST IMPORTANT PERSON (WIP) is yet an other important phenomenon of the so called DEMOCRACY.
Ø                UNWILLING sexual  intercourse on a woman is the worst type of BALATKAR known among beings of all strata of Society. NO ANIMAL/BIRD although they remain naked does BALATKAR on its female.
Ø                The  root cause of abuse of pant up Energy at all levels is that ENERGY  is not properly deployed by wise men holding key posts and people have NO means/ system/program to develop their respective prudence. Discreet by themselves. EVEN GOD CAN’T SAVE THE WISE. PONDER OVER.

Monday, January 7, 2013


In the present Era where human being has become a mint to mint money devoid of human values of life but for valuables for life which can be purchased with money which is not without vices because each coin has two sides front & the back.  Value of Money is bound to have its vices also which our DEMOCRACY  of 65 years has given us and the present State of affairs is the net result of the anti people policies of our wise men at the helm of affairs.

Our Democracy has produced VOTERS – in numbers but not Humans with over all development having the asset of Humanity with harmony to cooperate, coordinate, understand, share, to live & to let other also to live within the vastness of the WHOLE about which our forefathers had long back conceived the idea of GLOBAL FAMILY (VISHWA KUTUMBKUM)  but we are so worthless generation that we failed to fulfill the pious dream of our forefathers. We simply are interested to read the scriptures without intention of follow imbibe and practice in life. We are interested 
in flaunt flows which can be organized with the help of money  in the mundane world created by Man itself with pseudo Gods and mind made prayers which are just hollow words never to reach any where and  are not interested to go within to search for the True Treasure which gives  us contentment, compassion, affinity, affection, the true wealth of Love and hence the Human being is devoid of its real wealth that is Love- the food for the Soul. Our body consists of physical biological Body, Mind and Soul.  Body and Mind are happy with the MONEY but the SOUL the ATMA the current, the Spirit by virtue of which the body Mind function is devoid of its essential food the Love which can NEVER be purchased with money. Hungry Soul is in search of its food, and one can understand that a hungry person can do any thing & every thing to satisfy its hunger  may it be to ‘BEG, BORROW & STEAL. These are the natural out comes for a hungry person/Soul. Crime and Rape are the symptoms of the hunger. No Law can provide the cure.

Compassion, Love, sharing, exchange of food & thoughts come from the dining table, community feeding, from family level through Mother or the Lady who cooks for the family with emotions, Love & regards. It’s not simply the food to stuff into the body but the food is laced with emotions love and regards which nurses BODY, MIND & SOUL to develop a Patriot for the Nation, a savior & protector of the family, the smallest unit of the Society and the Nation at large. Family female is the first teacher to teach compassion, to display in life to make Human with human values of harmony.  To make INSAN WITH INSANIAT Insan with insaniat is worst than Animal and it is evident to see, watch and hear in day to day life.

Our Society, Religion. Politics, Govt, Police and the Law have divided Humanity for vested interests NOT for common interest by following the policy of DIVIDE & RULE. Harmony is lost, CHARACTER THE VITRUE OF MAN IS LOST, Man has become killer of Man including kith & kins for the sake of Money. Family is in CHAOS, society is in Chaos and the Nation is in Chaos being devoid of COMMPASSION the prime need of every human being.
Our Politicians don’t understand the basic need and  True intellectuals/ wise men who understand the basic need of Unity in diversity are not heard being in minority and hence the chaos and Agony is raising its head unabated.


Sunday, January 6, 2013


Corruption is like constipation which is as per ayurveda  maternal grand mother of numerous  PHYCHOSOMATIC deseases of which the Society is suffering. Suppressed ANGER for the last 65 years has erupted among people all over the Country without any call from any leadership because it is every one’s pain, agony, distress. Common man has empathy with the Girl gang raped to which Govt, System, Police and the Law has simply sympathy out of which nothing positive cure is going to come out. Constitution of India under Art 19 gives write to speech & expression, one can CRY on roads because our elected representatives don’t understand and speak for the woes, sufferings, ills of  the people at the appropriate Forums because they enjoy the comforts of sound proof offices and have right not to hear. Had the Public Representatives  been sensitive to the ills of the society, there would have been no need of agitation on roads to awake our representatives through cries. Common man has NO forum  to speak, to give vent to its feelings and has gone in coma, become dumb not to   speak knowing his humble voice shall not be heart. A few days back Mrs Sonia Gandhi addressed the Nation saying ‘YOUR VOICE HAS BEEN HEARD’ I wrote on face book ‘AT WHAT COST’.


Our 2nd President Dr S Radhakrishnan at the end of his tenure has observed “CORRUPTION IS RAMPANY AT ALL LEVELS’  What we have learnt. I have written many Blogs, you may visit my web site   to read my books and Blogs R.N.Prabharar’s Blog & OSHOITE’s Blog where I am very often writing about the ills of the Society.
Ø    Corruption kills justice – at all levels – Govt, Public Representatives, Society, Police the visual organ of Govt, the Law because Corruption kills the faculty  of prudence to distinguish between Right & Wrong.
Ø    If Money is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost some thing is lost but if CHARACTER is lost every thing is lost. Here we Indians after independence during 65 years HAVE LOST OUT CHARACTER because of which we are facing the present state of affairs.
Ø    Every one is RIGHT & every other is WRONG  this is preached, propogated, taught and practiced by Politicians and Religion for vested interests. There is NO cooperation, coordination and Harmony at any level. Absence of Harmony spells disharmony, precursor to the cause of Agony. On number of times I was interviewed  on TV being senior Lawyer and President of Senior Citizens Association . I expressed my views but there is NO one to take the suggestion in Public interest because there is NO THINK BANK FOR THE NATION only Vote Banks to grab power which corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Ø    Corruption in POLICE makes they insensitive to sense the senses of common man because the police personnel pay Bribe for recruitment. For posting at potential duties/beats, getting Bribe/HAFTA from Transport People, Businessmen and Criminals who are  potential clients of Police men who  are Law maker, executor and the judge on the spot having absolute power which corrupts the Police absolutely. Common man feels scared to approach Police who have  become criminal in uniform. I have said so many times on TV on the basis of my own experience for the lat 49 years of my legal practice but to no effect.

Candle Light march, agitation on roads. Promises by Govt officials and Politicians shall NEVER solve the Socio Legal Problem unless & until we endure to Produce overall developed children from kg level, family level, social level, political level, Religion level  with a view to develop HARMONY,EMPATHY, UNITY, AFFECTION SENSE OF ONENESS AS PART OF THE WHOLE COSMAS THROUGH MEDITATION, UNDERSTANDING, TO  LIVE & LET OTHER LIVE ALSO.
Ø    Criminals are not born but made by SOCIET, GOVT, POLICE AND THE LAW who are perpetrators of crime apart from the back ground/ circumstances and situations of individuals having NO support from Society, Govt, Police and the Law.
Ø    We have been watering the tree  of DEMOCRACY from the TOP rather than from root level and the result is obvious before us all.
Ø    Much can be said if ordinary citizen like me is given a chance.
Ø    I have sent my submissions/blogs to Justice J.S.Verma  commission also.
Ø    SPEAKING shall not solve/cure the cancer but Right action at right time as the present when the iron is hot.
Ø    Long time  back I had written a Blog YEAR  2012 DOOMSDAY  PRELIDE TO REVOLUTION – and its there.
Ø    Ponder over birds and animals remain naked but NEVER RAPE or do un-natural heinous acts as man does?? WHY – because they are more close to NATURE than man who is DEVOID OF LOVE , DEVOID OF PRUDENCE