Sunday, November 21, 2010

Key to happy life


Don’t judge others and don’t be perturbed and disturbed by others judgments. You are alone and you are unique. You never were before, you never will be again. You are beautiful. Accept it. And whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it says Osho, the Zen Master.

It’s a beautiful quotation ,a key to happiness in life. Lord Jesus too said ‘Judge ye not’. Each one of us is alone and unique creation of God. God always creates only Uniques, no similar and identical in any manner. God does not believe in infringement and passing off things. Therefore, each one must feel proud that he/she is unique piece created by God not only in figure but in every manner. Our features are unique, voice is unique, gait is unique, habits are unique, finger prints are unique. What a mystery. You are alone with no identical to you. Is it not a matter to feel Proud of yourself? When all other features are unique how can your mind be not Unique. Your mind too is unique. You think differently than others. That is the special quality of yourself. That is why I say the concept of Democracy is unnatural where every one is treated as equal to others. Each one’s working capacity is different, how can every one perform the same way. Democracy is fraud on Humanity. To act as per your inner voice is ‘dharma’ and to act against your inner voice is ‘adharma’ and in the present world which is dominated by Priests and Politicians all are obliged to commit ‘adharma’ that is there is corruption, lawlessness, unrest and every one is in distress. It is advisable to follow your inherent nature and don’t judge others because he too is entitled to work according to his own inherent nature and inner voice.

Society, Priests and Politicians because of their own vested interests are in the habit of finding faults in the work of others. It is their problem. Don’t get perturbed and disturbed by others judgments. When you know your home address and know the path yourself would you ask to way to your home from others? Your answer of course is NO, than why you ask others about your life which is absolutely your own one. Accept your own life and work according to your own potential, plan and capacity without caring what others say about you. It is their habit to criticize let them do so. Critics have never worn the Crown.

Accept your life as it is. Accept you are Alone and Unique also and your life too is to be lives in aloneness and in unique manner. Genius is a person who does things same things as others do BUT in a different manner. You are genius all cannot be genius, be proud of your unique qualities bestowed on you by God himself.

You never were before, you never will be again. Here all are strangers, Remember, It is few days journey. Every one shall depart at his/her destined station. Don’t get involved and attached to fellow passengers on the train. Attachments shall cause misery to your happy life which is very personal to your self. To be foolish, selfish and healthy are the three things for a happy and prosperous life. Laugh, Dance and Romance like Lord Krishna did in his life and became Bhagwan and is worshiped by commoners who were not genius to the extend of Lord Krishna. Don’t care what others would say. You are hungry and you shall have to ear food of your choice. We are not to meet again. Why create permanent bonds. Change is the Law of nature and nature never repeats itself. There are no relations for seven lives as Hindus say relations are made in heavens. Remember such relations are now a days broken in law Courts. There are no cordial relationships among family members between husband & wife, Father& sons. This life is for once and these relationships too are for once and for here only. Not to be carried in other life.

You are beautiful because God never makes ugly things It is beauty of his creation. Accept your life as it is and as it comes hereafter. And whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it. Once you were small child, could you grow according to your choice. No, Once you were young, you never wanted to be old, could you hold your youth, NO. You are old but don’t want to die, would you stop death NO Whatsoever is happening is as per his Law and it shall happen since you have no control over it. Life is only for the present moment with you, don’t miss to moment to enjoy life. Just pass through the journey of life watching beautiful people, places and scenes, mountains and Rivers, and drains fields and woods. Don’t get attached. You have come to this world empty handed and shall go empty handed. All wealth, relations, friends, and knowledge of books shall remain here and you are alone to suffer and enjoy life here and now only.

Swami Anand Aman.


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