Thursday, December 30, 2010




It’s a thought provoking Quote from our beloved Reverend Master OSHO and I express my thanks to OSHOONLINE for providing me this opportunity to express my views herein although a Book can be written on this subject provided some publisher comes forward to help publish my Book(s).

As ever coin has two sides front & its back in the same manner each Law has its Reverse effect. Its Natural, Socio-religious & Legal.


When its cold weather out side Ground water is Warm. We get fruits & vegetables having cool nature like Orange, Reddish, carrot etc because diamond cuts diamond. When snow is falling its warm in snow caves.. In winter our Blood Pressure must not be low, Its is Reverse effect of the law of Cold weather.


Since each person is born with Unique features of his own in the same manner his thinking potential is of his own and he/she has to proceed in life as per the blue print plan charted out for him by the Eternity (God) but we as Parents advice the child to some do’s & Don’ts. We may be right on the basis of our own experience of life but on the child it conveys Reverse effect. Child feels his inherent freedom is being crushed. He is not allowed to live in his own way. Parents do punish the child for his GOOD but the goodness doesn’t reach to him what reaches is the Reverse effect. That is why every child when acquires adulthood opposes his/her parents as a revenge for the punishment he has been getting from parents during childhood when he was dependent on parents. Same is true about Teachers in Schools. Teacher punishes the student for his good but what reaches to the child is its reverse effect. Student hates teacher and now there is Law prohibiting teachers not to punish students & teachers are being punished under the Law of the Land. Its the Reverse effect of the Law of goodness. You want to do good to the Child but what reaches is the Reverse effect.


Every Religion teaches through its commandments Not to steal, not to take Bribe, not to commit Adultery, Not to Rape, Not to Murder. To speak Truth, to Love others, to live in peace & allow others to live in peace so on & so fourth and we find rush of people at religious places to hear the sermons preached by Godmen BUT WHETHER the holy Commandments have reached to the Devotees and the Human beings have become Loving & caring, whether the crimes have become less OR increased. Observe the effect of the sermons of Religious Preachers. They preach some thing good but what reaches is the REVERSE effect of the preach. Lord Jesus said I’M son of God, God is Love, Judge ye Not Don’t judge others etc but was HANGED. Is it not the REVERSE effect of Law of Goodness. Profit Mohammed Preached Love & Peace But after his death there was war of Karbals among his successors. Holy Books Gita is about war of Mahabharths and Ramayana displays about war about Virtue VS Evil Its is all about THE LAW OF REVERSE EFFECT.


INDIAN PENEL CODE is a law book defining offences & the punishments for the violations of the codified laws BUT whether is Society has been cured of the offences?

NO, Its is Reverse effect of Law.

There is a Law of Adverse possession. If you are occupying a place for over 12 years as its owner without any objection from any one, you are deemed as owner of the premises.

Its is Reverse effect of the Law.

NEGATIVE approach

Under Trade Mark Law for getting the Trade Mark Registered its proprietor has to prove USER, in some cases, The user can be of Negative side. One has to prove that on particular date his goods were available for sale in market during particular period irrespective of good or bad quality of the goods. So the REVERSE effect also counts in law.

IN SHORT EVERY LAW HAS ITS OWN FLOWS AND IT NEVER REACHES WHAT YOU WANT TO CONVEY It depends on the Nature of the receiver for example

You may feed a snake with sweet MILK but the constitution of its body shall turn it into POISON. You may feed COW with dry grass but its body Lab shall produce MILK out of the dry grass. Same is true about the nature of Human beings. A fruit Tree shall give you fruits even through you may cut its branches. LOVE ALWAYS GIVES but what actually reaches to the other depends on the Nature of the Receiver. Whether Positive effect or the REVERSE EFFECT.



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