Monday, May 2, 2011




Man considers himself the super and wisest creation of God but all the legal terms mentioned above are found and practiced by human beings only and you must not have heard and experienced all these among Animals, Birds and other species out of 84 Lack As mentioned in out shastras. Zar (wealth) Zameen (property) and Zarru (women) are said to be the three main causes, inter-alia, for the distress , fights and wars among human beings in the past and shall continue to be in the future also inspite of all human wisdom. Its only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches but never the Law. Further it is common proverb in Hindi poot supoot to kyon dhan sanchai, poot kapoot to kyonn dhan sanchai.

Our Law the product of Mind has never defined CRUELTY, PROPERTY, CHILD AND WOMAN in relation to man entitled to inherent property. What about unfaithful spouse, arrogant & disrespectful children who virtually murder parents though not in legal terms. Breach of trust is worst than the actual murder.

Man is inherently and by nature alone & unique in all respects. How can the patented statutory law of the land be applicable to all and sundry? Its not democracy where one man, one vote and one value rule applies. Values of life are more important than the valuables of life but there happens to be no institution from where one can lean and imbibe these values which have particularly been wiped off after independence of India in 1947 due to the active role of Politicians and Priests both for their vested interests of vote bank policy and absolutely no interest in producing citizens as valuable assets for the country.

No child is ever born illegitimate. Each child is innocent manifestation of God on Earth and in a social welfare state is the valuable citizen of the state and hence the ultimate responsibility of the state where the child takes his first breath in. As regards parents the Hon’ble Supreme Court in news dated April 04, 2011 Hindustan Times page 13 has recognized the impediments while saying “with changing social norms of legitimacy in every society, including ours what was illegitimate in the past may be legitimate today”.

Therefore, our law first of all define child who is loving, faithful, caring, sharing respectful and obedient to parents but not simply being a biological child born out of socially accepted marriage. Marriage is a socio-legal contract but not necessarily a union of souls performing the delegated power of God for the development of humanity on the basis of one God, one Earth and one humanity for love and sharing to creat heaven on Earth. Change is the law of Nature and society too must aide by the law of Nature in accepting life as it comes. Rigid laws are not flexible as the life is, stiffness is death the end of life. A Living being must and should live from moment to moment and out statutory laws applicable to human being must and should recognize the human values of life rather then old and outdated enacted laws since life is like a flowing river and much water has flown by now and you cannot take bath the in the same water twice. What about those so called legal children who abandon their parents, cause cruelty and are dis-respectful? Such children must be debarred from inheritance and socially boycotted along with their abettors. No child is born criminal but society and circumstances make them so.

In todays Hindustan Times dated May 1, 2011” DELHI JUDGE RECOMMENDS CASTRATION FOR RAPISTS. Its just un-natural exceptions never make the Rule

Don’t try to cut leaves and branches of a poisonous tree but cure the roots. Healthy mind resides in Healthy body. SO TRY TO MAKE MAN & SOCIETY HEALTHY THROUGH MEDITATION.


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