Friday, August 31, 2012

INDIA AGREES TO LET PAK QUESTION 26/11 WITNESSES’………(Ht Dt 31/8/2012) ……..why?
 It’s not only a Blunder but Foolishness to eat our own words. Pak is sure to Find Faults. WHY not TRUST OUR OWN PEOPLE?

India is a SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Why not to distrust our own people who dealt with the matter. Why allow an other Sovereign to  cross examin our people and  not Trust our own people. The other Sovereign is sure to find faults in our system. Its an old saying  atta gundti heldi kyon hai (while mincing flour why she is shaking)  Pakistan  never in the past agreed to what we ever said. In the past ‘a judicial commission from Pakistan had visited India but was not allowed to cross-examin these witnesses’ WHY now eat our own words?  IS THERE SOME EXTRA JUDICIAL PRESSURE?   We are a SOVEREIGN  country under NO pressure from out side sources.

India being DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC   has the prerogative to deal with offenders who wage a war on India and our Legal and Judicial system has rightly, correctly, logically,judicially dealt with the matter. Whether the Legal and Judicial system of Pakistan be allowed to set at NOT the whole investigation and legal trial of Kasab and/or Afzar Guru  now  due to some reasons now best known to the Government.?

India is answerable to the People of Indian Republic. Hundreds of innocent civilians, Police personnel and other people  were killed, injured and suffered untold miseries. What answer to the families of persons killed, injured and suffered who have been eagerly awaiting the judgment and now after confirmation of Death sentence are awaiting the execution of death by handing Kasab & Afzal Guru which may act as an ointment on the injuries in the hearts of the families whose kith  & kin were lost  during the barbarous acts committed by Kasab and Afzal Guru for no fault of the killed persons.  It shall raise a big QUESTION Whether to protect of honour of the nation is as offence?  Whether the loss of lives shall go waste?

Judicial Commission of Pakistan is sure to find faults and is sure to take the matter to the International Court of Justice and to the International Human Rights authorities.  In such an eventuality the execution of the death sentence shall have to be stayed. In such a situation Whether the morals of  our Police, Security personal and that of the Judiciary shall NOT go down?

We have spent Lakhs of rupees for the Investigation, Trial, and security of Afzar Guru and Kasab Shall that that NOT go waste?  And during the stay of hanging suppose the two die Whether India shall not have to face the International Authorities and show cause as to why and How the death happened and India shall have to face the consequences and costs.
All this and many many more implications, prejudices, responsibilities and consequences shall have to be Pondered over.  Its high time that good sense  prevails on India’s key men dealing with the matter and they may refrain from committing THE BLUNDER WHICH MAY BE TERMED AS FOOLISHNESS IN THE HISTORY.

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