Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Further to ENERGY  series after EARTH, WATER & SPACE , AIR is Omni forum like Water, the flexible, colorless, adaptable, humble non resistant, with cooling character flowing and capable to fly- evaporate but not to fight  but if furious it can destroy whatsoever comes in its way.  AIR is also one the five Elements of which Life on Earth is made of. As per science AIR consists of OXYGEN, CORBON-DIXED, NIGHTROGEN etc but science is unknown to the Divine Element in it, the essential part that is PRAN in Air which infuses Life in Life on Earth. It is like the Divine quality of RAIN DROPS which add life to the crops different than watering of plants with ordinary water. All life on Earth Breaths AIR through the process of exhaling and inhaling but the element PRAN is invisible which the Functioning Energy in all life on Earth .

Element of PRAN is so vital in AIR for life without which life cannot exist. PRAN is not only invisible but colorless, classless, secular, casteless and essential for Life to exist. It is with all living life but unattached, uncontrollable absolutely free from bondage of any type. Religions have divided Humanity but AIR Unites Humanity, the children of one Parent you may call GOD or by whatsoever name you like. People of all Religions, Faiths do breath AIR containing PRAN without any objection, inconvenience or embrossment  and at the same time the PRAN in AIR cannot be withheld more than few seconds either within the body or out side the body because it is uncontrollable and free to move. When a patient with breathing problem is admitted in some hospital the fist aid is to administer OXYGEN to the patient to keep his/her breathing cell alive and functioning so that these may not die, once the cells die these cannot be revived by any means. The artificial oxygen cannot keep the patient alive for long; it only helps the breathing cells to function. AIR with PRAN is essential element for life.

AIR is form less and flexible like water and can be filled in any container and its energy gives movement to it. In olden times Grinding Mills used to rotate with AIR but this vital Energy is being wasted. Boats men, navigators, aeronautics Air force  still take help of Air for movements of their vehicles and if the Scientists and Government feel inclined AIR energy can used can fuel for motor land  vehicles in place of costly  Petrol and diesel. Any way its not my subject at hand.

As a Spiritualist my subject is Humanity which is at the verge to collapse because of inhuman teachings, preaching’s of Religions and Politics. When to live we all are breathing the same Air without any difficulty, it means we all are connected, associated with each other through the common cord  called Breath and we all belong to one parents but unfortunately divided by Religions  and Politicians for their vested interests.  When we breathe the same AIR to live HOW can we be different in life for Religious or Political purposes??  PRAN IS SEGMENTOF DIVINE ENERGY OMNIPRESENT. 

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