Saturday, November 10, 2012


Dharam (Nature), Religion and Spirituality are considered synonymous and inter changeable but there is a vast and wide difference among these terms. I would like to explain the significance and meaning of these words to my readers  because these words when put into practice can change the very life style and one feels as a new born  and whole attitude changes in the life which is a precious gift  from GOD, a mystery to be Lived with Love and to be celebrated as a festival each day and each moment in life.

According to religious scriptures there are eighty four lakh (84 lakh) forms of life and out of those human being is one of these 84 lakh forms of life on this planet  Earth and only the human being is confused, seeking and searching the Ultimate Truth through the practice of these big names that is  Dharma (Nature), Religion and Spirituality through Mind which always muddle things and creates confusion, chaos in life and deprives the seeker to enjoy life in truth and in total.


Human  being  is called insane  and he/she must have the characteristics  of a human being that is INSAN must possess INSANIAT. Heart , Human and Humbleness come from the same root and are inherent qualities of a human being. A human being must be Loving, Caring and sharing.  Our biological body consists of three main elements (a) Body ( Heart (b) Mind and (c) Soul . There must be harmony among the three. Absence of harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony in life which is being experienced at all levels from Individual to Family and from Family to Society and from Society to Nation.  Dog is a dog whether in India, England, France, America or any other place in the world and it barks in the same manner every where and functions in the same manner. Same is with regards to other animals and/or Birds. This is the DHARMA of these animals and Birds. To act and function according to one’s own nature is his/her DHARMA  or Nature and to act and function contrary to one’s  own nature is ADHARMA.  We  all human beings are acting and functioning contrary to our inherent
nature or Dharma and therefore are confused and in chaos  in distress feeling not at home. .Human  being because of his Mind has created his own mundane world where all dealings right from family level to society and from society to national level  are done through use of money. Mint which mints money mints vices also as the back side of the same coin. Man has lost his inherent values of life and is after the objective valuables of life.  Body needs food  to grow and develop, Mind needs new thoughts to brood on and Soul needs Love as its food. Soul is the functional energy in the body which controls the body and Mind but the Soul is hungry of its  food the Love.  Just as a hungry person cannot perform well in the same manner our hungry Soul cannot perform well in life and the human being is obliged to depend on Mind which is  like a stray dog in our body and provides different ways manners to deal with a roblem/proposition  which some times succeeds but invariably fails because ‘man proposes  God disposes’. Each individual is Unique with a unique blue print, job and assignment unique of his own  but  the individual is dependent  on others and thus cannot carry out his job/assignment as per his own  intuition or inner voice and thus feels helpless, frustrated. In this Universe human being is the only species who is dependent on other right from birth to death and dependence on others is hell. Paradheen sapnio such nahie. Its  better to rule in hell than to be a slave in Heaven.  So human being has gone astray, drifted away from his inherent Nature and  feels  bewildered, a vagabond, home less in this vast universe. So Each human being must act according to his/her own nature and that is his/her true DHARMA. There are as many DHARMAS as there are individuals and each one must and should  tolerate, cooperate and coordinate with each other in the beast interest of humanity at large. Buddha has said AAPO DEEPO BHAV  be a light unto yourself. Don’t look into old and out dated scriptures because life is a flowing river. Accumulated water gives foul smell. Never accumulate any thing, follow the anatomy of your body exhaling is must to inhale for continuity of life. Create vacuum so that fresh energy must flow in to make you fresh, energetic and up  to date  Be close to Nature, observe it  and follow it  since that is your DHARMA unique and personal to your benefit. Be selfish, foolish and healthy since these are the keys to happy and prosperous life which is the purpose and goal in itself.


Religion is mad made. Man made God (s) , man made scriptures, man made rituals and dogmas. Each new born child with innocent smiling face comes with a Divine message that God our Father-Mother- parent is not fed up with humanity. We are all children of God  Born and brought up in the same manner, sharing the same Earth, basking under the same Sun enjoying the coolness of the same moon, inhaling and exhaling the same Air, drinking the same water and moving in the same space. We all have the same body anatomy and Love is the bond among  individuals in this Universe. There is ONE GOD, ONE EARTH AND ONE HUMANITY without any nomenclature such as Hindus, Muslims. Christians etc  and/or any dress code, rituals, dogmas etc but our organized Religions have knowingly & deliberately divided humanity for vested interests saying that a human being has been thrown in to this World as some punishment. It’s all non-sense. God is utter silence and music is the language of the silence. Prayer or worship to God must and should be in utter silence or through music without  words and/or sentences taken out and/or advised by some so called God men. Mind needs always New and doesn’t like repetition. If  as advised by Religion(s) one goes on repeating a name, or word and a sentence mind becomes bored and slips into sleep which gives you some relief and one feels fresh and to such a situation the pseudo Religions declare that the seeker has achieved the reality. By this declaration  EGO gets born in your mind which makes you inhuman, and  one  gets attracted towards objective life, objective God(s) and objective valuables of Life and gets drifted away from the Nature within and Nature outside and becomes devoid of  Love and devoid of Life and becomes just a money making machine which serves the purpose of Religion.   If  Buddha, Mahavir, Mohammed, Jesus. Guru Nanak, OSHO  and other saints could realize while sitting  in Jungles under trees then why not the present day seeker can realize sitting alone. What is the need for magnificent fort lie temples or other Religious places which is flagrant show  of black money.  Religion has divided humanity and is dividing humanity FOR VESTED INTERESTS. Beware of such Religions which are hub of black money and other such activities which are anti humanity.


As mentioned above TO LIVE ACCORDING TO YOUR NATURE IS DHARA AND TO LIVE CONTRARY TO YOUR  OWN NATURE  IS ADHARMA  and the Religion is a shop selling  man made  GOD for consideration  because Real GOD is invisible formless beyond time and space and hence beyond the reach of pseudo Religion. SOUL is the controlling energy in our body and is segment of SUPREME SOUL /GOD. Just as GOD is invisible and formless its segment without our body is also invisible and formless  Soul is Spirit PRAN and Spirituality is the science of  the Spirit soul.  Soul has NO adjectives, NO gender, it is colourless  crude energy in one and all and is OMNIRESENT. Our  body functions because of the energy SOUL which comes in and goes out of our body through the processes  of inhaling & exhaling of breath. So long as the Soul or PRAN  or PARMATMA  functions within our body we can live but as soon as the SOUL or PRAN leaves our body our body is DEAD. Our body is a machine which functions because of the energy called Electricity, Soul, PRAN or GOD or by any other name you may call it . Spirituality is the science to discover that  energy within our body. Since each living being be it Human, Animal, Birds and/or other species  and trees & all other do breath without any Religious tag therefore Spirituality is Universal, Secular, functioning under the scientific law of CENTREFUGAL & CENTREPETAL and all energy after roaming comes back to its centre as per the Platonic law therefore, Spirituality is the cord which unites the humanity.

We are all beloved children of our aren’t GOD, PARMATMA, AALHA AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER NAMES BUT REMEMBER RECITING OF HIS NAMES SHALL NEVER YEILD THE DESIRED FRUIT. Sit, contemplate, brood, and try to realize WHO AM I AND WHERE AM I  within my body and remember there is only one Energy like one SUN giving light and warmth to all  on this planet Earth. Hence we all are ONE. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL. BEARE  OF RELIGION THE ENEMY OF HUMANITY.


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