Thursday, December 30, 2010




It’s a thought provoking Quote from our beloved Reverend Master OSHO and I express my thanks to OSHOONLINE for providing me this opportunity to express my views herein although a Book can be written on this subject provided some publisher comes forward to help publish my Book(s).

As ever coin has two sides front & its back in the same manner each Law has its Reverse effect. Its Natural, Socio-religious & Legal.


When its cold weather out side Ground water is Warm. We get fruits & vegetables having cool nature like Orange, Reddish, carrot etc because diamond cuts diamond. When snow is falling its warm in snow caves.. In winter our Blood Pressure must not be low, Its is Reverse effect of the law of Cold weather.


Since each person is born with Unique features of his own in the same manner his thinking potential is of his own and he/she has to proceed in life as per the blue print plan charted out for him by the Eternity (God) but we as Parents advice the child to some do’s & Don’ts. We may be right on the basis of our own experience of life but on the child it conveys Reverse effect. Child feels his inherent freedom is being crushed. He is not allowed to live in his own way. Parents do punish the child for his GOOD but the goodness doesn’t reach to him what reaches is the Reverse effect. That is why every child when acquires adulthood opposes his/her parents as a revenge for the punishment he has been getting from parents during childhood when he was dependent on parents. Same is true about Teachers in Schools. Teacher punishes the student for his good but what reaches to the child is its reverse effect. Student hates teacher and now there is Law prohibiting teachers not to punish students & teachers are being punished under the Law of the Land. Its the Reverse effect of the Law of goodness. You want to do good to the Child but what reaches is the Reverse effect.


Every Religion teaches through its commandments Not to steal, not to take Bribe, not to commit Adultery, Not to Rape, Not to Murder. To speak Truth, to Love others, to live in peace & allow others to live in peace so on & so fourth and we find rush of people at religious places to hear the sermons preached by Godmen BUT WHETHER the holy Commandments have reached to the Devotees and the Human beings have become Loving & caring, whether the crimes have become less OR increased. Observe the effect of the sermons of Religious Preachers. They preach some thing good but what reaches is the REVERSE effect of the preach. Lord Jesus said I’M son of God, God is Love, Judge ye Not Don’t judge others etc but was HANGED. Is it not the REVERSE effect of Law of Goodness. Profit Mohammed Preached Love & Peace But after his death there was war of Karbals among his successors. Holy Books Gita is about war of Mahabharths and Ramayana displays about war about Virtue VS Evil Its is all about THE LAW OF REVERSE EFFECT.


INDIAN PENEL CODE is a law book defining offences & the punishments for the violations of the codified laws BUT whether is Society has been cured of the offences?

NO, Its is Reverse effect of Law.

There is a Law of Adverse possession. If you are occupying a place for over 12 years as its owner without any objection from any one, you are deemed as owner of the premises.

Its is Reverse effect of the Law.

NEGATIVE approach

Under Trade Mark Law for getting the Trade Mark Registered its proprietor has to prove USER, in some cases, The user can be of Negative side. One has to prove that on particular date his goods were available for sale in market during particular period irrespective of good or bad quality of the goods. So the REVERSE effect also counts in law.

IN SHORT EVERY LAW HAS ITS OWN FLOWS AND IT NEVER REACHES WHAT YOU WANT TO CONVEY It depends on the Nature of the receiver for example

You may feed a snake with sweet MILK but the constitution of its body shall turn it into POISON. You may feed COW with dry grass but its body Lab shall produce MILK out of the dry grass. Same is true about the nature of Human beings. A fruit Tree shall give you fruits even through you may cut its branches. LOVE ALWAYS GIVES but what actually reaches to the other depends on the Nature of the Receiver. Whether Positive effect or the REVERSE EFFECT.



Friday, December 3, 2010

stone hearted humanity


Two days ago on SAMAY TV there was a programmed entitled IRON MAN and I learnt how the primitive man could find and extract iron from some stones in Madhya Pradesh near KHAJROO and understood that by creating 1000 degree heat iron melts and flows out from the crushed pieces of stone but the stones remain the same stones.

I being OSHO sanyassi by the name SWAMI ANAND AMAN apart from my legal name R.N. PRABHAKAR brooded over the matter and applied on the present day humanity and found the cause of present day state of affairs when human beings have become inhuman and I would like to share it with you as under:

In our body blood flows through our veins. It is just like fuel say petrol by virtue of which a motor vehicle runs on roads. Similarly our body is also like a vehicle which functions by virtue of the blood which is fuel for the body to run. Blood contains iron and as said above iron comes from some stones and flows through the body but the stones are not melted and remain the stones only. It was heard but not understood the proverb in Hindi PATHAR DIL which I have now understood. Modern Man is functioning because of the Blood extracted from the stones but the stones are not melted and remain the stones only. From the food we eat Blood is processed generated and supplied to brain the controller of our body but the stones from which is blood is extracted still remain in the heart ie DIL hence the DIL has become of STONE. The juices extracted from food we eat are supplied to heart through which Blood is made but some pieces of stone in the food still remain in the stomach which are supposed to come out from the body through our stool and urine but some how are struck in our kidneys and hence people suffer of problems of stones in kidneys. Stone heart which the 1000 degree heat could not melt cannot generate flowers of fragrance of love and affection from the soil called heart from where love and affection and harmony among humanity was to be generated because the soil has become stony unfertile to produce sprouts of plants the flowers of love oozing out fragrance of love, affection and harmony and hence we find there is no love, affection, regards, respect among family members who ultimately form Society and the Nation. All types of crimes are growing which are wild weed plants but not the flowers of fragrance. KHARBOOZA KO DEKH KAR KHARBOOZA RANG BADALTA HAI is an old saying which is befitting to our Families, Society ,Governments and the Nation.

People are afraid of three things DEATH, MEDITATION, and LOVE. True Love generates and supplies 1000 degree heat when the lovers become just the soul without physical bodies which is like a death, a body without soul, similarly during mediation too the seeker comes out of physical body and feels only the pure SOUL which is death of the physical body. Hence people are afraid the DEATH, meditation and TRUE LOVE.

It is because our whole system has become rotten after Independence of India because of wrong policies on the part of Government and that of Psudo Religions which are far from God, the Spirit, which is connected through SPIRITUALITY achieved by means of MEDITATION and Yoga. HENCE OUR WHOLE SYSTEM NEEDS CHANGE.



Sunday, November 21, 2010

Key to happy life


Don’t judge others and don’t be perturbed and disturbed by others judgments. You are alone and you are unique. You never were before, you never will be again. You are beautiful. Accept it. And whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it says Osho, the Zen Master.

It’s a beautiful quotation ,a key to happiness in life. Lord Jesus too said ‘Judge ye not’. Each one of us is alone and unique creation of God. God always creates only Uniques, no similar and identical in any manner. God does not believe in infringement and passing off things. Therefore, each one must feel proud that he/she is unique piece created by God not only in figure but in every manner. Our features are unique, voice is unique, gait is unique, habits are unique, finger prints are unique. What a mystery. You are alone with no identical to you. Is it not a matter to feel Proud of yourself? When all other features are unique how can your mind be not Unique. Your mind too is unique. You think differently than others. That is the special quality of yourself. That is why I say the concept of Democracy is unnatural where every one is treated as equal to others. Each one’s working capacity is different, how can every one perform the same way. Democracy is fraud on Humanity. To act as per your inner voice is ‘dharma’ and to act against your inner voice is ‘adharma’ and in the present world which is dominated by Priests and Politicians all are obliged to commit ‘adharma’ that is there is corruption, lawlessness, unrest and every one is in distress. It is advisable to follow your inherent nature and don’t judge others because he too is entitled to work according to his own inherent nature and inner voice.

Society, Priests and Politicians because of their own vested interests are in the habit of finding faults in the work of others. It is their problem. Don’t get perturbed and disturbed by others judgments. When you know your home address and know the path yourself would you ask to way to your home from others? Your answer of course is NO, than why you ask others about your life which is absolutely your own one. Accept your own life and work according to your own potential, plan and capacity without caring what others say about you. It is their habit to criticize let them do so. Critics have never worn the Crown.

Accept your life as it is. Accept you are Alone and Unique also and your life too is to be lives in aloneness and in unique manner. Genius is a person who does things same things as others do BUT in a different manner. You are genius all cannot be genius, be proud of your unique qualities bestowed on you by God himself.

You never were before, you never will be again. Here all are strangers, Remember, It is few days journey. Every one shall depart at his/her destined station. Don’t get involved and attached to fellow passengers on the train. Attachments shall cause misery to your happy life which is very personal to your self. To be foolish, selfish and healthy are the three things for a happy and prosperous life. Laugh, Dance and Romance like Lord Krishna did in his life and became Bhagwan and is worshiped by commoners who were not genius to the extend of Lord Krishna. Don’t care what others would say. You are hungry and you shall have to ear food of your choice. We are not to meet again. Why create permanent bonds. Change is the Law of nature and nature never repeats itself. There are no relations for seven lives as Hindus say relations are made in heavens. Remember such relations are now a days broken in law Courts. There are no cordial relationships among family members between husband & wife, Father& sons. This life is for once and these relationships too are for once and for here only. Not to be carried in other life.

You are beautiful because God never makes ugly things It is beauty of his creation. Accept your life as it is and as it comes hereafter. And whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it. Once you were small child, could you grow according to your choice. No, Once you were young, you never wanted to be old, could you hold your youth, NO. You are old but don’t want to die, would you stop death NO Whatsoever is happening is as per his Law and it shall happen since you have no control over it. Life is only for the present moment with you, don’t miss to moment to enjoy life. Just pass through the journey of life watching beautiful people, places and scenes, mountains and Rivers, and drains fields and woods. Don’t get attached. You have come to this world empty handed and shall go empty handed. All wealth, relations, friends, and knowledge of books shall remain here and you are alone to suffer and enjoy life here and now only.

Swami Anand Aman.


Monday, November 15, 2010



Yesterday the 14th November was celebrated as the Children’s Day on the occasion of the Birthday of Late Pandit JawaharLal Nehru the First Prime Minister of Free India who loved children because they are the future of India, would be responsible citizens, prospective Leaders, Scientists, Officers of Armed Forces, Educationalists, Intellectuals Authors and Legal luminaries and so on and hence the valuable assets of a free country. Nehru was a visionary having cozy loving heart soft spoken but a man of determination selfless person with dedication to serve the Poor, middle class and also not averse to the affluent class too. It needs to be pondered over after 63 years of Independence as to whether the dreams of Nehru have been fulfilled and whether his birthday is befitting to be celebrated as CHILDERS DAY? Let us consider the following points:-


During British it as not heard off that a poor destitute woman gives birth to a child in open on busy road side of the capital of India, pregnant women are denied admission in maternity hospitals. Children is aborted, killed in Bomb before birth , orphan homes are mismanaged and poor children are abused and are deprived of the basic necessities of life like food, clothing and shelter but all this is happening in our free India even after 63 years of Independence and even the Dr’s hesitate to attend poor downtrodden ladies who are considered untouchable even today in remote areas in villages inspite of law against untouchability.


Right to education is enshrined in our constitution and law is also enacted for this purpose but even till date our Education Ministers are not clear as to of what age the child should be admitted in a school and even the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India is also involved the matter. On one hand importance is given for free education to children upto 14 years of age and on the other hand there are no seats for those who intend to get education on their own expenses for higher studies. Recently I wrote to Mr Kapil Sible the Un ion Education Minister pointing out that the Seats in schools and colleges are being auctioned for consideration but to no effect.


Some poor parents cannot afford to send their children to schools because they help the parents in earning bread for the family; they supplement the income to buy medicine for the ill members of the family but the children are made to go to school. There is a well known proverb that you can take the horse to the pond but you cannot force the horse to drink water, the same is happening in the education field also. What provision has been made to supplement the income of the destitute family who is deprived of the income earned by the child??


Children are obliged to eat Mud instead of food, children are abused, sold for money to get some money for the treatment of a family member, children are deported out of India for various purposed. Children are used for begging and for various other ill legal purposes and the administration is silend spectator of all this.


All news papers audio and video media had ads about the Birthday of Nehru on the 14th November WHETHER the adds in Media shall serve the purpose It is for the Public to Ponder over because the concerned Ministers are over bust for the real purpose and are in fact interested to see their Photos on the media along with CHHACHA NEHRU. Is that enough at the cost of public money?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

R. N. PRABHAKAR off-cum-res Phone: 011-23612712 ADVOCATE Mobile: 09810249229

HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)

Author, Social Activist, Spiritualist, Motivator & Yogi Karol Bagh, New Delhi–110 005


Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association




I, being an Author and OSHO sanyasi by the name Swami Anand Aman have read today in your column Inner Voice an article by Mr P.P.Wangchuk titled “ OSHO’S ZING OF ZEN” with interest but the writer has left it as a half Baked Cake concluding ‘Zen and mind are each other’s deadly enemies’ which I wish to complete and share with the readers of your esteemed Paper.

I agree the word Zen is derived from the Pali word ‘dhyan’ meaning concentration and it is also correct that concentration (Zen) and Mind are each other’s deadly enemies. Ever since the known history of mankind there has been wars and tussles among Deities, Devouts and Demons , Suras Vs Asuras and the Divine, the Spirit, Super Atma, Paramatma is just enjoying the drama unending. Mind is like a stray dog running here and there and human mind possesses multi dimensional faculties according to which mind suggests multi perspectives with regard to a matter which all appear logical and a person feels at the cross Roads confused with paradoxical prospective because he looks openly into different directions being devoid of focus vision achieved through the process of meditation.

Our readers know well that the Devout, seeker, Rishi’s used to meditate in woods, mountain caves and in front of them used to burn wood to make fire for the reasons to get light, warmth and most importantly to scare away wild animals and Demons which manifest themselves in darkness. Key to get inner light is through meditation where by the seeker can see the inner SUN light about which Lord Jesus has said ‘God is Light’. Prophet Mohammed said “ Noor-e-khuda’ and Guru Nanak also said ‘Eek Noor tou Upjaya Jag Sara Kaun Bhale Kaun Manday’. Out of five elements of which the Universe is made out including man kind one of the elements is Fire. When Fire is made the untruth is burnt, darkness outer and inner disappears and you can view the site clearly.

No Mind is Meditation. How to come out of Mind. Lord Shiva advised to his consort Parvati 112 asnas, techniques for meditation. OSHO is the only modern Master who gave importance to meditation only, Yoga Guru Patanjli emphasized the seeker to get attached, (Yog) connection of ‘ATMA’ with param atma PARMATMA through Yoya. The purpose is to exhaust the mind of all his faculties to the ‘dead end’ so that it may fall down in a unconscious state, the barrier, blockage be removed. It is possible through meditative techniques and/or through Love and that is why OSHO’s Book God through Sex is there which has been misconceived by some who live in hard shells and are afraid of seeing Light under the open shy. Meditation and Love are Fires to scare away negativity, darkness, demons and to enlighten the seeker who may with crystal clear consciousness can see the Inner SUN Light about which various Rishies, Saints have proclaimed God is Light. Mind the deadly enemy can be won over through Meditative techniques and /or through Pure Love which is not lust. Living Body is the Only Temple of God, Worship it, since God (Atma) dwells in it.



osho's zen


Sunday, October 17, 2010




I feel honoured for seeking views on the International Literacy Day & to introduce myself I am a senior citizen of 75 years young, a widower, living alone, a Lawyer by Profession , Social activist & Motivator and wish to contribute for the welfare, betterment and uplift of society which is moving far away from Civilization to Barbarianism, from Literacy to Illiteracy from noble citizens to roadrageism & what not and am constrained to say that we the Educated lot are the accomplices to the present state of affairs in the world because the write type of Education is not being imparted to the young generation the would be citizens of the World. I hope you will appreciate my painful feelings through my following text:-

1. As per available literature there are 84 lacks of Youies (forms of life) in our

Universe out of which man which includes his counterpart woman also is part of it. Man as born out of the mother’s womb is no better than Birds, animals, insects etc rather is worst because man is only persona who is dependent on others right from his birth to death on others while rest of the living beings manage of their own in much shorter time after Birth.

2. Since our subject in question is Literacy I shall not like to go astray, Man as born out of womb is illiterate as birds and animals etc and perhaps that is why called man as a social Animal. This is the first Birth of a man. After 5-6 years the child is sent to school and learns three Rs till he/she comes out of University and he is called the Educated person. He walks , talks, acts, understands, performs and speaks differently than those who do not go to schools/colleges and hence as per our literature he/she is called ‘dwejanma’ person of second birth i.e after school/college.

3. Man now becomes a Literary person and what he/she learn in school/college is from books written by some authors on different subjects Literature, Art, Science, Math, etc etc, After getting a university degree he becomes his bread earner either by join ing some service and/or being self employed and all that is through the use of Mind/brain. Mind/brain is like a computer which has been fed some data and it can reproduce it as and when required. But man is not only Mind. Mind is part of Body with different organs like heart, stomach, liver, kidney body torso etc Mind is developed, used and sharpened but the other organs of the Body Mind & Soul are ignored and become crippled, There is no over all development of Body Mind & Soul.

4. Literacy through Mind---- After education if a person fails to get a suitable job and/or fails to get established through self business/profession he gets frustrated, depressed, becomes patient of Blood pressure, Heart ailments, diabetes and disgusted with life and commits suicide. If is strong physically he becomes terrorists robber, snatcher criminal and/or joins some ideological people of under world and wishes to over throw the established Governemnt through fair or foul means. Who is responsible for such a state of the educated person? Educated scientists under the influence of Politicians invent Bombs to kill humanity for different causes and reasons. We become self suicidal. Who is responsible? What use of this Literacy?

5. Heart – is the source of manufacturing blood and to supply the same to Mind to be distributed into whole body as fuel for the body but our education does not do any thing to develop the heart which is source of Love, affection, compassion and the feel and share the pain and feelings of others. Mind knows only to earn money It is Mint to make money, Heart is necessary to make man a true Human being but our education destroys the heart. How can the educated person care for children/ ladies, poor/ elderly living on road sides, without food and medical care. Educated man is busy to earn money. He can give charity but No love affection and care even to his own parents what to talk of others.

6. Navel Poit – Navel is a place in the centre of the body and after conception of man in the womb of his mother he is attached to the navel through womblicalcord to the navel of his mother and gets feeds for development in the womb till he is delivered. Navel is the point to give WILL power to a person it generates positive energy for the progress in life but this point is ignored by then Education and we are creating robots in school and colleges through borrowed knowledge without much understanding and no experience of life.

7. We need man to be educated in correct manner where his body, Mind and Soul is developed and he/she becomes an asset not only to himself/herself to the Society and Nation and the Universe at large. Who cares for youngers to him, cooperates with fellow beings, has respect and regards for elders to him, is concerned about Noise pollution, atmosphere pollution, has a humanitarian approach to the problems of life in short and he all faculties Body Mind and Soul must be active and properly functional. He must be concerned with the ills of society and about the possible dangers to Humanity at the hands of wormongers. There must be Right type of Literacy for the betterment and development of Humanity which must show difference between man & animal




Friday, October 15, 2010





WHY ONLY MAN IS IN DISTRESS is the title of my Book I am seeking to get published. It contains 11 chapters (1) MAN – from conception to development and the effect of family, stars on so on, Chapter (2) deals with Society- what is society, where is society, what and where are the laws customs and usages of society There are men and women but no society as such (3) this chapter deals with Food & Drugs- Food is life force Energy and life is God. As you eat so shall you be. As we are made of Five Elements so is our food made of five elements (4) This chapter deals with Education & Learning Lord Jesus, Mohammed, Guru Nanak and manifested forms of God were not so highly Educated having University Degrees but on their writings people have obtained degrees of doctorate from Universities but the mundane world is regressing from Civilization to Barbarianism because the Education has not delivered the right and correct knowledge (5) This chapter is entitled Two Sovereigns – Just as in a sword case there cannot be two swords, in a state there cannot be two Kings similarly with regard to Humanity there cannot be two Rulers and two set of laws. Each Human being is a

Unique creation of God having his inner voice to be followed and at the same time he is obliged to follow the laws of society and also of the State, here there is a conflict & confusion and balance needs to be maintained (6) Nomad- Away From Centre is the title of this chapter No one of us knows from where he/she has come and after deal where he/she shall go but this much is certain that after birth death is the only certainty.

All Religions of the. mundane world are exploiting the Humanity for their vested interests and talk of Heaven and Hell the fictions and the human being is in a confused state of mind running after places of worship and Priests wasting his precious time and hard earned money as if to purchase God which is perhaps for sale (7) Mirror is the title of this chapter – had there been no mirror no one could see his/her face. Each person is a mirror for the other and we are being reflected through others hence we are other oriented and have forgotten our originality (8) Life is a Flux – volatile Life the manifested form of our body is functioning because of an invisible energy which is PRAN or SPIRIT you may call it. It is through inhaling and exhaling of breath and it is a flux a volatile beyond your power to control and hold it (9) Wish, Hope& Prayer are beyond Nature and Scope of Existence. Each person is born with a blue print of his own and the life functions accordingly. The law of Nature is eternal and changeable. What is destined and essential shall take place and the un-essential is not to be taken care of by the Nature.(10) WOMAN is the title of this chapter. In the first chapter I said man and woman are counter parts of each other and complementary & supplementary to each other but later on I realized that Woman has a special character she can make or mar the life of a man and of the nation too and I tried to explain that (11) this chapter Cosmic Organic Whole (COW) I have discussed Eternal> Entity> & Existence that we are all party of the whole in the whole and the whole is also within us.

All religions of the World Preach there is one God. There are different paths to reach at one particular Power House the source of Energy which is all pervading Omnipresent like Air we breath in and out that energy is every where and any where. God is un -manifested

Energy and we can find in manifested forms also but one thing is certain that God is no where in human manifested form God is Energy.

Ø If God is Energy like Electricity giving light in every House then why big palaces of worship places. Are these not Business Houses to attract customers?

Ø If God is one and an Energy why so much show on roads, why propaganda to convince and attract people towards your particular shop Is it not a Business?

Ø If God is one, the creator of all, then why so much Noise through loudspeakers and through other means in the name of God? Whether the God is Deaf? Noise pollution is against healthy living. Language is God is Silence. Is it not against the Nature of God??

Ø If God is One the caretaker of all and we are all children of God, then why devotees are advised to offer costly Gifts in the name of God to please HIM ? Does it not amount to bribing God through his self appointed agents?

Ø If God is Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent then why devotees are advised to do useless rituals and follow dogmas in the name of God? Whether God needs flattery?

Ø There are so many things people are advised to do for Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Peace of Mind, welfare of each & every one but we find people are ill, in distress, seeking wealth through fair & foul means, there is no peace of mind people suffer from frustration, commit suicide, Rape, and so many crimes and the list is endless then what is the use of big sermons, preaches and all that what is being done in the name of God for the welfare of Humanity.



Sunday, August 29, 2010

are we humans







A pregnant destitute gave birth to a baby by herself without any medical aid and died on road one lady Fredrick single by status took care of the baby and named her KARISHMA (Miracle) requested her brother and sister-in-law to adopt the baby but the Orphanage authorities aren’t being cooperative in Callous Delhi where head of the state the President of India is a Lady, Chairperson of UPA the Ruling Party of the Central Govt is a Lady, Speaker of Lok Sabha is a Lady, Chief Minister of Delhi is a Lady and Health Minister of Delhi too is a Lady and all our Politicians talk of Women Rights and liberation and there are so many organizations allegedly working for the so called welfare of women and our Flaunt Government arranging Common Wealth Games spending crores of money and above all there is HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION based in Delhi close to the site of occurrence where a poor lady delivered a baby on road by herself and could cut the umbilical cord too by herself. Is it not a matter of SHAME?


Woman has to bear the burn of her Folly, but where is the man by whom the destitute lady became pregnant? He is a criminal and it is the duty of the Police to trace the culprit book him for murder and be awarded death punishment and if a rich person all his property/assets should be transferred in the name of the baby Krishma and the Court be appointed as her Guardian.


As mentioned above all dignitaries at important positions are Ladies and apart from that all M.P’s, MLA,s Local Municipal Councilors are in Delhi and are drawing hefty salaries and allowances in the name of serving the Public and recently the salaries of MP’s has been enhanced and all the public representatives are eating the exchequer without performing their duties to look after the public welfare. This amounts to dereliction of duties and deserve to be recalled. Democracy in India is in shambling gait because of the people’s representatives indifferent towards the problems of the people. Democracy has failed miserably and we need to rewrite the Constitution of India which is People Friendly from grass root level. The present Constitution the brain child of Affluent has not served the desired purpose. We need meritocracy by inviting VOLUNTEARS FOR MERITOCRACY who know the ground realities and are not power Position and money hungry but purely for the service of the People indeed on honorarium basis NO salary and allowances etc.


Mother of the baby Krishma was a citizen of India, she lay in a pool of dirty rain water, stray dogs lurking nearby and delivered a baby on road and died on road after 63 years of Independence a welfare state hosting CW Games WAS SHE A PROUD INDIAN CITIZEN

Baby Krishma which could be saved I don’t know for what reasons only God knows better whose future is uncertain with no care taker as yet in a Welfare state DO YOU EXPECT HER TO BE PROUD INDIAN CITIZEN. For Politicians she too would be a voter in due course of time. What the politicians are doing for her.


Through out of the life of Baby Krishma and many others like her your Government Departments, Schools / Colleges , Private companies Election Commission & Pass Port office at all levels she will be asked her Mother’s and Father’s name and her identity. Whose name she will mention and how to prove her identity. She shall suffer humiliation through out of her life for NO Fault on her Part... Who is responsible? We need to change Laws in the interest of the Dignity of the Citizens. A paper certificate issued by some Govt officer is more important than the person a citizen of free India. Is this the dignity of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of India a brain child of then Affluent few which is anti people?


Human beings because of the wrong and anti people policies of the Government have become head oriented money making machines only and have lost contact with their heart so have become indifferent and callous. Apart from that Law of the Land is not people friendly. Police and all Government Departments are harassing people on technical grounds and no one has a helping attitude. For fear of harassment even gentle God loving people are obliged to avoid to come before Police and Government officials. That is why people were on roads, in the market but no one could dare to face the Police.

Cumbersome law because the Law is inhuman. Law never helps the needy at time because of red tapeism and techniqualites. I being a Senior Lawyer with 45 years of practice avoid to face the Police and the Courts to avoid embrossment uncalled for We need Police , Courts and Government Departments to be public friendly not simply go by callous legal procedure .Government and Society have killed Individuals in Republic of India.



Monday, August 23, 2010








Ever since the creation ADAM & EVE by GOD, the Supreme Unique Artist Creator of Humanity on this Earth there has been three causes for Quarrels/fights/wars on this Earth by our so-called civilized Society and the said causes are (1) ZAR (Wealth) (2) ZAMEEN (Property) and (3) JOHRU (Woman) and the said three causes are still there and shall continue to be there till the Humanity exists on this Earth. In our religious scriptures there is a mention of 84 Lakh Yonies that is Birds, Animals, Insects, reptiles etc and out of those Yonies Human beings are one of them and man is called a social animal and the man/woman is the only living being who is dependent on others right from his birth to his death. God has created the Universe as Couples such as Day & Night, Sweet & Sore , Good & Bad Water & Fire, Earth & Sky MALE & FEMALE but NOT Husband & Wife and except human beings this Socio-Legal contract does not exist among any other species such as among Birds, Animals, Insects, Reptiles and so on although all indulge in Sex, Cohabit and produce children and take care of their young one’s till they are able to find food for themselves and there is no relationship as Husband & wife followed by its complications of family set up, partition of family, inheritance of assets after death and/or in short on question of quarrels/fights/ wars on account of the three causes mentioned above. All are living life and enjoying it without any crime such as Rape, Molestation, teasing, Stalked, Theft, Murder, Robbery, Roadrage and NO litigation hence no Courts of Law and the Police. If all others can live life peacefully WHY can’t live the Human Beings with all the wisdom and infrastructure as Legislative, Executive and Judiciary and other assisting agencies? It is a matter to be PONDERED OVER by people concerned in a Social set up WHETHER THE SOCIAL SET UP HAS FAILED TO DELIVER THE DESIRED RELIEF TO THE HUMANITY?

SEX : Means a Cohesion, Sexual intercourse a biological Medicare natural act between a male and a female without establishing any social relationship God has created living beings with Sex Organs with a specific purpose and these cannot be useless and unwarranted. It is medically proven fact that it is a biological need of every human being after a certain age without which the person shall go mad or act abnormal and each one learns it without any Sex Education, ridiculous and Infructous rather damaging and harmful prompting of sex among teenagers in schools. It’s not only for the Human Beings but all other living beings Birds and Animals are doing it without any problem. All the problems pertaining to Sex are man made insolvable and shall continue to be so whatsoever the Social setup or the Courts of Law may do. Sex is being practiced between adults either openly and/or clandestinely without any age limitations from times immemorial and shall continue to be practiced under any circumstances since it is a Natural phenomenon well known to each and every person whether for and/or against sex whether they openly admit it or not but it is a reality and the reality never dies even being denied loudly by words of mouth. You can never rock the boat. There is cohabitation among adults irrespective of age factor whether recognized or not is a Reality Like death after birth. The term now a days used among media as ‘honour killings’ is a proof of it apart from other media reported matters among elderly persons including among close relations and friends and also where Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the protectors like Police Officers are involved. In such sex relationships there is no question of maintenance u/s 125 CrPC and/or of legal heirs and/or right to inherit any share in the assets of the person involved. Such a consensual sex is for pleasure which both the partners share and is like a Prayer or love for the sake of love only since no monetary consideration is involved which may be termed as a business and/or a profession. Through ordinary sex man is born but through Meditative sex GOD is born. I quote below some examples from religious scriptures as of pure innocent sex/Love without lust which I have termed as ‘Meditative Sex’ in my authored book ‘WHY ONLY MAN IS IN DISTRESS’ and children born out of such sexual cohabitation are Godly personalities since it is all as per the Law of Nature and the popular names are as follows:

Lord Jesus son of Marry, the virgin;

Hanuman, of Ramayana, son of Anjani, Pavan putra Hanuman;

Karan of Mahabharta, son of Kunti, the virgin


Cohabit is to dwell together as husband and wife as permanent partners for sexual intercourse for the socio-medico-legal purposes and the partners enter into an agreement either written expressed or implied called socio-legal contract and as such they submit their partnership/relationship to the Law enacted by the Legislature of the land where questions of legal heirs, right to inherit any share in the property come into play and the partners are obliged to honour the terms of the said socio-legal contract the violation of which comes with the preview scope and jurisdiction of the Law of the Land. The emphases is being knowingly ‘permanent partners’ by WILL, intention, purpose, action and indeed. Nothing short of it. Male and Female boyfriend and girlfriend without Will and intention to dwell together as husband and wife either in some Home, House and/or in a Hotel room without intending to be husband and wife although cohabiting do not become husband and wife mere by staying together because of some reasons of mutual interest.

Institution of Marriage has failed to fulfill its desired purpose because in arranged marriages the boy and the girl neither knowingly, intentionally, willfully nor for a purpose and action indeed decided to dwell together to set up a family for producing children with known responsibility. In arranged marriages the decision is mainly of the parents while the boy and the girl just act as actors to perform as per the directions of the Director parents. Because there was no known will and intention on the part of the partners to the marriage we find divorce matters are increasing in the Courts and the law is also misinterpreted and misconceived for obvious purposes and there is absence of Harmony which spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony and the unity & integrity of the sweet homes is being destroyed.


At the outset question arises Why people opt for a Live-in-Status? Because they feel their individual freedom has been curtailed. They were born free but find themselves in chains which are intolerable. They want of live life according to their own will without any if’s and but’s and/or monitoring whatsoever. Freedom is one’s birth right.

Each Individual is Unique in all respects and the Life is only for once and it must be enjoyed fully including in performing biological-medico requirement of performing sexual intercourse between two adult male and female friends, not willing partners in life, on the basis of WILL and INTENTION to ‘walk in and walk out’ without creating any obligations, rights and duties with regard to any sort of property just to enjoy life for the sake of enjoying life to share Love and affection. Lord Jesus has said “LOVE IS GOD” It is a PRAYER. GOD is not for sale as a business commodity for a consideration either in cash or in kind, paid or promised, part paid or part promised. Love is a sacred exchange of emotions, sentiments regards ,affections, feelings, trust and belief in some one and it must be out of sweet will not for any fear or favour. Social relationship is the birth right of a person and no encumbrances need be construed to the personal freedom of any individual in choosing and maintaining such relationships.. We do not know from where we came alone in this World and we also do not know after death we alone shall go to which place. Suppose after birth we were abandoned in some forest near the Sea left to ourselves what Name, religion, caste and/or nationality we shall acquire. Birds, Animals and other species have no names, religions, castes etc but they all do sexual intercourse after attaining their age of puberty, produce children, take care of them till they are able to find food and shelter for themselves and there after they don’t’ care for relationships. They all live a natural life without establishing relationships of any kind. No marriage, no heir ship, no inheritance and share because the consensual partners just walk into each others lives by will and consent and walk out at will without any obligations and/or regrets. If Birds and Animals can live without marriage why not human beings? Man too is a social animal. If the relationship of Live-in-status for a considerable time is to be construed as Marriage I am afraid there shall be avoidable long drawn litigations and criminal activities shall be more making the life as a hell on earth and the Courts of Law shall be construed as abettors to the crime and unhappiness in life. The following crimes are apprehended:-

(1) Apprehension of breach of peace;

(2) Attempt to murder;

(3) Attempt to kidnapping;

(4) Character assassination

(5) Criminal assault

(6) Fabrication of false Wills and other documents regarding settlement of property and assets, False rent deeds and/or numerous other such things since the mind of the offenders is fertile, sharp to device means than the codified, outdated and rigid law contained in the Law Books and followed by the Courts of Law of the land.

If Live-in- status is to be construed or deemed as a marriage Whether the close association togetherness and Living-in status and till date associated in the believers of Bhagwan Krishna and Radha be deemed amounting to marriage for all the encumbrances attached thereto? The devotees so often wish each other as ‘Jai Radha Krishna’ and Krishna become Bhagwan Krishna because of Radha inspite of his having a living wife. As reported in media Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru and Lady Edwina Mountbatten too were close friends for a long time apart from many others.

The plausible proposition is to recognize the live-in status in its status Quo position and allow good friends to share the Love and affection without burdening them with legalities following the Supreme Law of Nature in the best interest of Humanity.



Friday, August 13, 2010

Gratitute to Rahaul


After birth death is the only reality. Death is of the physical body but not of the SOUL by virtue of which the body functions during the life span. After death it is customary that the left over assets of the deceased are taken over the the so called blood relations who have been sucking the blood of the deceased during his life time with no regards and affection at all. It is also customary that to show regards for the deceased the heirs do perform some pooja and perform annual shradha to get public applause to the effect that the children still remember their parent, Its just a flaunt show.

But there are some noble Souls having no blood relationship but regards for the honest and spiritual Soul of a person that they during the life time of the person make him IMMORTAL to the World and one such God Loving Soul resides in the Loveable body of Mr G. RAHUL who for some time worked as my Junior Advocate and is a devoted son like to me. He recently visited me on 20th June, 2010 being my birth day and on 24th June created BLOG, TWITTER & FACEBOOK in my name where I daily work and my views go on the Internet and I have gained good Following and Followers who appreciate my Spiritual views to change Society ridden by traditional dogmas. Quotations of my Master OSHO are published and my Quotes are also published and hence my son like Rahul has secured a seat for me on the dais along with OSHO which is a big honour to me I Pray to God for ever Happy and Prosperous life for Rahul with his beautiful intelligent wife Sakshi and their sweet baby Lawania . My Blessings are from my Soul which shall always Bless Rahul and his family for long long years to come and I wish him all success in his life. Aamin.

(Swami Anand Aman @ R,N, Prabhakar)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gd for Sale


On almost all places of worship of every religion we find there are devotees Local as well as from far of places from well to do families who can afford to travel by different modes of transport and they carry with them some valuable gifts either in cash and/or in kind and all these devotees are welcomes by the Priest of the shrine, Their gifts are offered to the deity and are accepted by the Priest in the name of God and/or any Godman whose shrine is there and the devotee is blessed with Health, happiness, wealth and for all good in life and that all his/her wishes be fulfilled and the devotee comes back happily because he/her has got the blessings of God/ Godman and every thing shall be alright.

At the same shrine and at the same time we find Poor people, hungry asking for food, some are ill, some are suffering with wounds and are in critical health and the devotees give them charity.

It is a matter to Ponder Over whether the God/ Godman in whose name the shrine is only interested to bless the Rich? Who offer money. Is the God for Sale? Whether God accepts Bribe? If that shrine is merciful why the poor, needy, ill, wounded are not blessed and/or cured of the disease. Form all this it appears it is only a belief, fiction but not truth. People are making money in the name of God in some manifested form which is incorrect and wrong.

Real God, the Energy, is within you, You have been blessed with wisdom. Don’t be a fool to run after places and spend money, don’t encourage Business the name of God. God is not for sale and does not accept bribe also. He is invisible Energy don’t allow people to trade in the name of God and never be an accomplice to create beggars. BE HUMAN, BE COMPASIONATE , BE REAL AND WORSHIP THE REAL WITHIN YOU. Come out of Factions these are good to read for fun only.

Heaven and Hell are no where above in the space, Science is proved it. Spirituality is the science of inner World, explore it, realize the REAL WITHIN YOU who claims I, MY, MINE ETC May God Bless you with real wisdom.

Swami Anand Aman.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Love is the need of the world. If you click with mouse on the computer the programme opens similarly if you click towards the heart of your beloved it opens up to give you Energy to face life. When one gets energy of love he/she becomes bold to take decisions in a positive manner and positive actions taken can bring success in file, therefore, for success in life love is essential. Secondly a smile is a curve which sets every thing straight. What words of mouth cannot do a smile can do and a smile reciprocates which gives energy to both the partners. Smile is enough to kill hate and establish harmony to lead a harmonious life on this earth. Harmonious love life is nothing but heaven on earth. Now a days there is tension for any thing & every thing but to over come the tensions is to love it gives you relief from tensions which medical doctors can't do. But one thing must be remembered that love must be true love love for the sake of love from Soul to Soul where two become one Soul it must not be for consideration of any kind. Love must not be a business. Love is prayer, it makes you humble and egoless and such is person does not seek GOD any where he/she can realize God in his/she partner. May God help you in establishing love based Society for the happiness of Mankind. Swami Anand Aman.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010




“ Whenever there is a conflict, the tension arises and the ego exists; when there is no conflict, the tension disappears and the ego disappears. Ego is not a thing – it is just a tension” OSHO.

A new born child comes into this World with a mind which is like a new Blank computer without any programs. After birth a child is labeled with a name by the parents – the name is for the biological body but certainly not for the real self in the child which is the “I’, the spirit, the soul or the ‘Atma” we may call it. The child is identified by the body only and he too responds accordingly. The biological body of the child is just a ‘birth day suit of the ‘SELF’ within the body. The “SELF” is obliged to respond to the given name against his WILL – this is the first stage the tension arises in the child which gives rise to the ego. Since the child has to respond to the given name , he gets identified by the said name and for any good or bad reasons the child feels offended if some thing against his desire happens. During the life at Home he is called by one name, at school by some roll number, in hospital as a patient, among relatives and friends by some other title as brother, friend, uncle, father etc as per the age develops the names go on changing as husband or wife etc this causes confusion in his mind as to who he actually is. Then during life time he has to deal with different people at different levels and there arises difference of opinions between him viz-a-viz others, this gives rise to conflicts on account of ideas or for the use of language and all that gives rise to tensions one after the other and the child who is now a developed man/woman feels agitated since the peace of mind with which he/she was born is no more. Such a tension gives rise to so many body-mind problems psychosomatic and the person feels disgusted and frustrated in life. The priests and politicians too to his problems on the basis of some codified documents alleged as religious commands and/or statuary laws which are all man made who is liable to err and the person is helpless to follow his own inner voice or intuition and he is bound to compromise to the situation which further disturbs his inherent peace of mind and the person feels a reck.

The only solution and the remedy for the person is to meditate – to go introvert, regress with awareness in self interest to live in the present as advised by OSHO and supported by PLATO and his plotonism philosoohy by which every thing after taking rounds returns to its centre. Therefore, the tense modern man too can return to his original peace of mind by practicing meditation and by Yoga since according to PLATO healthy mind resides in healthy body- so meditate, Laugh, Dance and Romance for happy and healthy life which is a gift of GOD, given to you only once in the present biological body.

This is as per my humble understanding which I share with my readers, in case they may be benefited in life. by the blessings of OSHO. Aamin.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010




Dear Rev Readers,

A few days ago on LIVE INDIA TV Channel I watched a discussion of Scientists expressing Speculations and apprehensions regarding the DOOMSDAY in the coming year of 2012 and no one could say any thing with certainty because science could not predict the likelihood of events that may take place in the Year 2012. It is likely to start from the year 2011, the 11th year of this century

I am an OSHO sanyasi by the name Swami Anand Aman. Our Reverend Master 40 years ago on 9th and 10th July, 1971 had delivered two lectures on Astrology (Jyotish) wherein his Holiness has explained that after every 11 years there are storms on SUN and how people on Earth can be affected. Nothing can be added or subtracted in the said lectures and I suggest that the curious persons may kindly listen to the said lectures of OSHO to get some enlightenment on the possibility of the happenings in the year 2012.

However, I being an OSHO sanyasi and a senior citizen having various experiences and study of different types of books and being a meditator and yogi because of meditation has acquired some spiritual crystal wisdom and on the basis of that would like to share my observation which I could predict about three years ago and my observation is as follows:-

(1) SUN – is a ball of fire, manifold bigger than our Earth, and many atom bomb like devices are bursting thereon and the flames are coming out of the SUN Ball from all around the SUN Ball. As per the science and the law of nature even though the flames are coming from the lower surface of the Ball and/or from the sides of the Ball in any case after covering some distance the flames start rising upward to form a big flame of blue fire in ascending order but in no case in descending order. Therefore, the apprehension of the scientists that the flames may be in descending order and/or from the sides of the Sun Ball are not bases on scientific logic and the law of nature.

(2) Secondly the SUN is far away from the Earth in the Levitation zone and in such a situation also the flames are bound to be in the ascending order. For example the astronauts have to wear a particular dress with heavy led material and with that too they have to force themselves on walk on the surface lest they may fall and/or fly away undesirably

(3) As per my Holy Master Bhagwan Shree OSHO , it is not going to be for

The first time. Therefore, it shall be a routine matter but with a little

Difference for Certain reasons and the reasons as per my wisdom are as follows:-

(a) In the year 2012 this being the year of the 11 series of this century is surely have storms on the SUN and the said storm shall emit electro magnetic rays. Although between the SUN and the Earth distance is wide and in between there are many layers of different types interrupting the electro magnetic rays to reach to the Earth, there is an aqua sphere immediately above the Earth. When electro magnetic rays shall pass through this aqua sphere the electrical current is bound to be violent, as you must have experienced that if due to some reason electric current passes through water we feel the electric shock. Similar situation is going to happen on that event also

(b) Like attracts like is the law of nature and also of our science. Now a day in every house and with every person, subject to exceptions of remote. areas, there are TV, Fridge, Washing machines and so many other gadgets operated by electricity and mobile phones and other such items are also electric battery operated and in almost all banks, offices and houses there are electric operated computers and all these electrical gadgets are most likely to be effected by the electro magnetic rays coming from the SUN in the year 2012 and in particular on 12th of December of the said year and this can cause damager to any extent because when there is fire the extent of damage cannot be pre estimated. Modern man and his house is keeping the self destructive devices like human bombs on Earth.

Some extracts from my Book Why Only Man is in Distress, Chapter 11 entitled ‘Cosmic Organic Whole (COW) are as follows:

“ As per numerology the occult number for GOD comes to G=3.O=7 & D=4 Total being 14=5, the essential elements/energies “ of which the whole Cosmos is made of.. ‘The visual known positive Energy is SUN number One (1) and the visual known negative energy is Moon number two (2). SUN is male number one (1) the beginning and Moon is feminine, consort, companion number two (2) and number 1 persons and number 2 persons vibrate together & are natural companions.’

“Hereinabove I have said God is like an Electric Current with positive and negative powers known to the modern science and for the production/generating of electricity either water is used, to generate Hydro-electricity or coal is used to generate thermo-electricity and now a days we are thinking to generate electricity through nuclear power and/or through Sun rays i.e. Solar energy. The purpose of mentioning the elements for generation of the electricity is not only the manifested form of various elements but the emphasize is on the unmanifested energy in the said elements which is invisible like smell/fragrance in a flower which can be felt but can’t be seen through any means and that energy about which I am talking is called the ‘Electro Magnetic Field’

Para 11.11 of my said chapter of my Book is as follows “Existence – means, the continued being in the manifested form of the un-manifest, the Eternity. All that we see in objective form and/or perceive through our senses is Existence having been evolved and dissolved in series from time to time as per the evolutions happening in the Cosmic Organization since ‘change is the law of nature’ It is time clock, as said above that after every eleven years and a half the evolutions do take place in the cosmos and this eternal law is un-changeable. It is well said that the ‘King can do no wrong’ and as per the Greek Philosopher PLATO, spiritual, platonic philosophy ‘every thing returns to its source/centre and as per our Zen Master OSHO ‘there is a period of equinoxes when the evolutions which cause their effect on the whole Universe including the human beings under the law of Cosmic Organic Whole take place for example the revolution of 1917. In our holy book ‘Gita’ Lord Krishna has said ‘Yada Yada ye Dhamasaya Gilini Bhavati Bharata…….. Each time when there is defection, disrespect to Dharma I take birth to establish the right order, therefore in the premises God, the Supreme King does not take any responsibility on his shoulders and thus can do no wrong itself’ and follows the rule ‘that King is the best who is hardly seen by the public’ but it creates the situation to punish the offenders and my readers shall appreciate that the time has come for that ‘Dooms Day’ because modern man has lost control over his senses and there is no respect for the established law both moral as well as statutory, women are disrespected, kidnapped and raped even by their own father, thefts and robberies are common and un-checked, innocent persons, even small children are being killed in the name of religion on caste grounds and for political differences, there is no tolerance among people, children are disrespectful and have become arrogant , no person feels safe of his life and belongings, people in positions like rulers are abused and shoes are thrown on them and in short there is a total break down and chaos not only among people but the atmosphere is also being polluted through emission of heat of electronic gadgets, nuclear devices and chemical gases causing global warming which shall have its own effects & consequences and thus the modern man is on the path of its suicide. I can foresee the clear writing on the wall. New Existence, New man will emerge with motto ‘One God, One Earth, One Humanity and one Religion, which comes from within of each Unique person, so be prepared to Ring out the Old and to Welcome the New in the best interest of healthy Humanity. Blessed shall be those who may see the New Era”

However one thing favorable can be predicted and that is as per the book by Cheiro’s the Sun is the King planet the numerical number of which is No ‘1’ and for the particular date of the year under question is 12-12-2012 ie 12= 1+2=3, Dec too =3 and 2012 – 2+1+2=5 hence 3+3+5=11= 2 that No 2 is symbolic for the planet MOON. Sun and the Moon are the balancing magnetic powers for each other; No one of the two can exist without the other. The two are not going to destroy each other. Even otherwise it is matter of routine after each interval of 11 years and since nothing undesirable has happened earlier this time also nothing much undesirable is going to happen. Moon has the feminine attributes of the SUN and for this reason alone, although No 1 and No 2 people are decidedly opposite to each other in their position and character, yet their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combination as partners and friends. The Moon is the Lord controller of water and PHYCHE (mind), Mind is controller of SOMA (body) O stands for Oxygen and TIC is contraction of face and to read it as a whole it is PSYCHOSOMATIC – means Body-Mind problems and the effect of MOON can attribute to the following:-

Ø > Sea is likely to be furious, there can be heavy rains, floods and storms in Rivers, due to electro magnetic rays coupled with the rays of electric devices with people and in their houses so there can be fires and due to the unprecedented heat glaciers on the mountains may melt to create floods in Rivers which may cause waste destruction and damage to people and property and animals .There is possibility of Lightning in clouds which may cause damage to people and property and animals.


Ø > There is possibility of people suffering from PSYCHOSOMATIC problems such as people going Mad, lunatic because of lunar effect, getting paralytic attacks etc.

But one thing can be said with certainty that there shall not be total DOOMSDAYS that the whole Earth and Humanity shall not be eliminated and go into ablution Change is the eternal Law of Nature and it shall take its course. Every person and every thing under the SUN has fixed tenure and is bound to be taken off at the pre destined time and

Date and there is nothing in our hands so let thy WILL prevail just be a witness in case HE allows you to be of the witness to the occurrence. GOD as a father shall take care, submit to HIS WILL in reverence un-conditional for your own peace of Mind and watch the PLAY (LEELA).

Total DOOMSDAY shall not be there but since absence of harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony there can be a REVOLUTION like that of 1917 because there is absence of harmony from Individual home level to the National level and it spells disharmony and certainly precursor to the cause of agony in the shape of heavy disasters and/or REVOLUTION in or around 2017 after the gap of approximately hundred years from the revolution of 1917 following the cycle of storms on the SUN.

R.N.Prabhakar @ Sw Anand Aman.


Sunday, July 4, 2010


Malice Towards None

Reference Hindustan Times dated July 5, 2010 by HT Correspondent new item


It is ABSURD – AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF CITIZENS TO MOVE FREELY: Hence Un-Constitunal, against Public Interest, causing in-called for and un-wanted inconvenience to Public for whose interest the Bandh is being organized by NDA and the Left.

The Cause may be good but the means are surely not good and appreciable. Some one is ill and needs immediate treatment but because of road blocks he/she cannot reach the Hospital and dies on the way to the Hospital and the person being the only bread earner for the family is no more. Who is responsible for his death and who will support his family? Some one has to go for interview and for not reaching on time, is denied the Job. Who is responsible for ruining his career? Some one has to go to take examination, but due to road blocks, could not reach on time and his future is ruined? Who is responsible for this?

It amounts to gross mis-use of Independence and freedom of expression. The Public Representatives have been provided the required platforms to express the Public grievances 0n the floor of Parliament House and/or in Legislative Assemblies of respective States. Then why on roads. If the Politicians are fond of show on roads then Why the Parliament House and the Legislative Assemblies and why to pay to the Public Representatives high Salaries, Allowances and other perquisites at Public Cost. Are the Public Representatives being elected and paid for creating chaos on Roads?

Why don’t they GHARO the concerned Ministers – is it that they are the chips of the same block?