The whole Universe is made up of Five Energies:
(1) SUN Energy: It gives energy/power to grow trees, plants, vegetation and is
Functional energy in living beings. It is like a ‘Father.
(2) Earth Energy: It is like a Mother, having a womb to conceive, develop and to
Deliver children that is why we Indians call it ‘Mother Earth”
Respect it like a mother. It has potential to develop seeds into
Trees and vegetables, it has the power of tolerance and to bear
Burden/weight of so many things including all living beings.
(3)Water Energy: This energy gives life to all that which is conceived, developed
And delivered by the mother earth that is all that grows on the
Earth and to living beings since our body contains about 60%
Of water and if the water is drained out of the body one dies
Due to de-hydration.
(4)Air Energy: Air Energy is the most important Energy for all that which is
Found on Earth that is Trees, plants, vegetables and all living
Beings who inhail and exhail - breath because the Air
Not only contain Oxygen, carbondixe, nitrogen etc but contrain
The invisible ‘PRAN’ shakti/ Electronic Energy which is the
Spirit/ Supreme Power you may call it by any name or by the
Popular syllable GOD, the Grower, the Organiser and the
Destroyer because any thing and every thing that is born
Delivered out of the womb of the Mother Earth and/or out of
The womb of the Biological mother has a pre destined tenure of
life On expiry of which the death is the only reality after birth. At
Time of birth one inhails for the first time and at the time of death
One exhails for the last time. Therefore, Air is the Life Force
(5) Space Energy: Space Energy is the energy between the gravitation and Levitat-
Ion zones between the Earth and the Sky. It allows to grow
things and provides space between the freedoms of each and
every thing including living beings without which we feel
Sun, Earth and Water out of the above Energies are the Manifestations of the Un-manifest, the God while Air and Space are un-manifest which can be felt only . All the said Energies are Secular in character that is they do not bear the tag of Hindu, Muslim, Christian and/or any other name tag about religion and caste. All the living beings on this Earth breath by in-hailing and ex-hailing Air which is secular then how can you divide the Humanity into segments by the names Hindus, Muslims, Christians and/or by any other name?. A Dog is a dog without any religion tag through out the World and so are other animals and birds who in-hail and ex-hail Air and they are comfortably living without any conflicts, riots, fights and wars on the basis of religion tags. Does it not show that the so called self proclaimed wise man on this Earth has gone MAD?
The Energy is a Energy without any adjectives such as Male, female, while, Black, Brown, fat, thin, tall short, etc and does not bear any religious tags, therefore, God which is a Pure Energy Ball does not bear any adjectives.
For Functional Energy we need the blending, meeting, merging of two Energies that is Positive Energy and Negative Energy only then we can get the functional energy. There are always Units of two’s Day-Night, Light- darkness, sweet-sore, Male-female, we human beings have two feet, two arms, two eyes etc therefore, to run the show of human life on this Earth male and female are the necessary energies to be together and they are complimentary and supplementary to each other and must not be divided for vested interests in the name of Women Quota and/or women Rights. This is another attempt to create divisions in the sweet homes at the behest of Politician
Since Energy is formed by two Energies Positive & negative similarly it is two dimensional. Positive side for constructive purposes Versus negative side destructive purposes. Human beings Male and female have two the positive and negative energies in our body. If a person is supplemented by positive energy from out side source and his/her positive energy is enhanced he/she will do better constructive work and if the person is supplemented by negative energy from out side source he/she will do destructive works. Out side negative energy effects more quickly than the positive one because it travels horizontally. The names of Manthara, Kakay, Sarupnakha of the epics Ramayana and Dhropdi of Mahabharat are well known examples of the effects of negative energy where sweet homes were destroyed and the war of Mahabharat took place and such negative energies are still among us in the names of Naxals, Maoist, Talebans and other outfits. They are from amongst us and since its not possible to slap on one’s own fact, its difficult to suppress them by Force but the only Solution is to divert the negative energy into some constructive direction through National programs to in -built National Character in the Interest of Humanity which is no where since
There is One God/Energy, One Earth, One Humanity, the children of One God, One Sun, One water, one Air we breath, one food items we eat, One Space, the colour of blood is same red in all of us then how can be be different in the names of religion, language and caste etc. It is only because of the vested interests of Priests and Politicians. Let us ponder over. Let the grace of God through awareness and wisdom be prevailed on the beloved children of God- Aamin.
Sw Anand Aman @ R.N.Prabhakar
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