Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ms Rhythma Kaul Dated June 14, 2010.


Hindustan Times

Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi.

Hon’ble Justice K.G. Balakrishnan,


National Human Rights Commission

New Delhi.




Dear Sir/ Madam,

It is a very pathetic story published in to-days News Paper on Front Page which make the hair stand on there ends but I am sure except for some few persons with awakened Soul and Mind and proper psychometric functioning there shall be no effect on the health of those occupying the chairs of power in A/C rooms because they are over busy having no time to look into such un-productive matters like the life of helpless citizens since they have more important matters to look into such as manipulation of multi crores scams concerning where money and Mafia is involved who are the pillars of the chairs of power on which our voted representatives turned into VVIP leaders sit to rule over the voters but for their own vested interests. “The World is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do Nothing.-Albert Einstine. Hence our’ democracy is an abuse of statistics.’- Jorge Luis Borges. In India of to-day a country of Identity Cards and Identity crises citizens are not living life but life is living the citizens. There appears to be no government worth its name and as per the observation made by Justice B.N. Agarwal of Supreme Court (since Retd) “EVEN GOD CANNOT CHANGE OUR COUNTRY” what can a common Man do except to cry in the Wilderness .Perhaps the noble souls in Media, like yourself, may help the robbed voters of India of to-day. I am sure in case Mahatma Gandhi & Subhash Chandra Bose may happen to see India of to-day, they shall go to Britishers with folded hands and shall ask them to come back and rule over India because they never had dreamed of the miserable state of the citizens in free India where no one is safe even in his own house and where civilization has been taken over by Barbarianism. A befitting cartoon by Shri Ravi Shankar entitled 3 Idiots – ‘Govt’ , ‘Police’ and ‘The Law’ was published in Hindustan Times dated January 5, 2010. Sticks and Stones are hard on bones, aimed with angry art, words can sting like any thing but silence breaks the heart. is well said by- Phyllis Mc Gownlley. Sick, helpless, abandoned, discarded and comatose not only need food, clothing, medicine but the most need love from their so called kith & Kins of which the are devoid of because in the present era of Independent India values of life have been replaced by valuables of objective life. India was known for its UNITY in diversity but after Independence it is diversity in unity in all walks of life in the present set-up including the three pillars of democracy.

I, am an author of three Books (1) Why only Man is in Distress, (2) Hindu Deities & Dogmas Vs Spirituality, and (3) Gems for Life, and the (4) Intellectual’s Review of Democracy after 6 decades. – De-jure VS De-facto is at hand. India has become a country of Identity cards and Identity crises- all the high claims and progress are mostly on papers only and far from reality. The Premble of our Constitution reads “We the People of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens …… I am sorry to say that un-fortunately in the word citizens whether Delhi’s living dead: Patients out of sight, out of mind are included and whether our representatives occupying the seat of power not answerable to the citizens who voted them to power and whether the citizens are getting in fact the secured

Justice , Social, Economic and Political;

Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

Equality of status and of opportunity, and to promote among them all

Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of the Nation

And the answer to all is a BIG NO. Since the Delhi’s living dead are not getting either Justice or Equality and/or Fraternity – a dignified life as Individuals. Prima facie it is a fit case for the Hon’ble Supreme Court to suo motu initiate the appropriate Writ proceedings against the Central and State Governments by invoking Articles 32, 139 and 226 of the Constitution of India in the interest of Justice and in the largest Interest of Public atlarge.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 - Protection of Women From Domestic Violence Bill was approved by the Union Cabinet 0n 23rd June 2005 and on 27th June 2005 I wrote a letter to His Excellency, The President of India, Hon’ble Mr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam stating that the law is bound to be mis-used, why a law only for the protection of women only - the nomenclature of the law should be domestic violence on any member of the family Act (including helpless sick, comatose and elderly persons) the persons mentioned within the brackets are neither thrown by the sky like rain on Earth nor they have been sprouted out like wild plants from within the Earth but at some times of their life were the bread earners for their families and were the responsible citizens and voters too who indirectly enacted the Constitution of India and formed the respective Governments at the Central level and also at State levels but now because of there ill health being Patients are out of Sight, and out of Mind.

There is WWF, SPCA for the protection of Birds and Animals, there is Dowry Prohibition Act, Law against Smoking and Drinking in public places but un-fortunately there is no law assuring dignified life to the citizens and/or if not life at least a dignified death to abandoned senior citizens and/or to DELHI’S LIVING DEAD as termed by you . Under the Law CRUELTY (e.g.S 498A IPC) is the element which attracts penal provisions but ironically word cruelty has no where been defined under the Law. I pose a Question to our Law Makers, Jurists, Intellectuals and to all concerned persons including the Media IS IT NOT CRUELTY

(1) to abandon elderly parents, or single parent being a widow or widower, sick, handicap, infirm in health, comatose, orphan(s) and/or otherwise helpless in need of help;

(2) to steal from the Household the valuable goods/property by disgruntled/ ill advised children because of some abetment by outsiders including the in-laws of the new member of the family be it a daughter-in-law and/or a son-in-law respectively;

(3) to show dis-respect, dis-regard either by words of mouth, by un-due silence, gestures, acts of omissions and/or commissions, neglect knowingly and intentionally with a view to ignore the elderly person, lack of due attention when required.

Crime is a crime, whether committed by a kith or a kin or by an out sider but the three idiots Govt, Police and the Law are immune to all this for obvious reasons and hence the gentle people are frustrated, depressed and men with muscle power take up arms and are called by different names as out laws but the said 3 idiots are responsible for the present state of affairs, will you believe it?

Hereinabove, I have not talked for The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 with regard to which I had written to The Secretary, Union Cabinet soon when the bill was approved by the Cabinet in 2007 itself and when the law was made applicable through a notification on 1st October, 2009 I was interviewed for half an hour by TV channel Delhi Aaj Tak at 5.30 PM on 1st October 2009 itself wherein I stated that this Law is superfluous since dependent parents can get Maintenance U/S 125 CrPC and the Act is for parent who is unable to maintain himself but what about the parent who can maintain himself??? My interview was published in Hindi News Paper PUNJAB KESR under the Heading “ KAYA KOI KANOON MUJHE BACHOON SE PAYAR, MOHABAT DILA SAKTA HAI””At the fag end of their life parents need love and affection for which the necular modern family has no time and/or is in-different. NO CRIMIAL IS BORN BY BIRTH, IT IS THE GOVT, POLICE, THE LAW AND THE ABETTORS CLOSE TO THE FAMILY WHO DISTROY THE FAMILY (IES) AND/OR THE NATION WHO NEED TO BE PUNISHED FOR CRUELTY UNDER THE LAW. Abettors like MANTHRA, kakay, Sroop Nakha of Ramayana are still in our society but in different names. All Weddings are similar but each marriage is different DELHI’S LIVING DEAD, OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND ARE BECAUSE OF MODERN MANTHRAS AND KAKAYS IN OUR SOCIETY but they are protected in the name of abla nari through different laws. Under the Indian Succession Act a murderer has no right to inherit property- here murderer need not necessarily be the person who kills a person but a person who makes a person as LIVING DEAD. Such children must be made disentitled to inherit the property of the deceased, should be boycotted by the Society and must be punished for causing CRUELTY, culpable homicide for a tern as a murderer is punished under the law.

I, had the opportunity to appear many times on TV channels such as DELHI AAJ KAT, JANMAT(LIVE INDIA), N.D. TV, STAR PLUS (AAP KE KACHHARI- by Dr Kiran Bedi) but am constrained to say- to no effect - let me see, if through your sincere and concerned efforts things may move in the right direction!! NIP THE EVIL IN THE BUD IS THE OLD PHRASE TO BE FOLLOWED BUT WE ARE PRUNING THE ROTTEN LEAVES AND BRANCHES is it not a folly on the part of our wise men in power?

“Walia promises care homes” is the response published in Hindustan Times dated June 16, 2010 but I am sure it will be the same as of some Orphan homes and/or some other shelters being run where the beneficiaries are some one others than the actual needies because we are subject to some exceptions devoid of honesty and as observed by our sharp Visionary Late Dr S. Radhakrishnan, the 2nd President of India ‘CORRUPTION IS AT ALL LEVELS and it has now become the order of the day since we are a Nation who never learns and refuse to be corrected because of Ego and Identity Crises.

Apart from the above, for further details and/or information I shall be pleased to welcome you in case you may like to visit my office-cum-residence by prior appointment on phone numbers mentioned above. LET THE INTELLECTUALS JOIN HANDS TO MAKE INDIA A PLACE WORTH LIVING WITH DIGNITY FOR HUMANITY since priests and politicians have together turned it into a HELL.

Yours truly,


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