Thursday, July 1, 2010



It’s an old proverb that ‘that King is the best who is hardly seen by his public

Such a king commands respect and obedience and since he is un-seen and un-approachable can get execution of his orders without any fear, favour and influence and that is God who is capable of doing things alone. He is the Grower, Organizer and Destroyer too (GOD) Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. All Invisible things are like that which can be felt but can’t be seen or touched such as fragrance, Light, sense objects like taste etc but all these are most effective in our life.

Every thing has its own life tenure and goes on changing since change is the Law of Nature. At one time we were delivered out from the womb of our mother who did feed the child but had no means to develop the child as per her wishes. Each one of her children grow as per their own hidden blue print and no sibling is like the other though they eat from the same kitchen and are cared by the same mother. Child grows into boy hood followed by adult hood and proceeds to old age. All this development is just being done without our knowing, asking and consent. From birth to death all is being done according to some blue print by our creator and without our notice. We can’t tell the time when we entered into old age from youth hood only the wrinkles on the face and body declare the old age while the soul still feels young. Birth and death and developments in-between are at the command of our creator. No creation can be bigger than its creator including the man made places of worship and/or deities placed therein. Each. Life is a Unique mystery insolvable to be lived/ played alone as it comes with reverence and each Individual is under the care and control of the remote holder. He who is loved by GOD is discarded by the Society. God is the beloved who cannot allow and tolerate any other spouse in your life .Problems in life always come from out side, worry not, stop not but obey your inner voice with full dedication. Practice Yoga & meditation which is a fire to burn all that which is false, impure and fabricated and to turn you into pure gold. Purity is a must to be merged and mingled in Cosmic Purity Energy Ball with no adjectives, no desires = SAMADHI leading to MUKTI means freedom from Birth & Death. When a person dies, we say ‘POORA HO GAYA, that is he has become complete, as if he was not complete till death. Death is the only ultimate reality & certainty after birth. Death is a sleep which gives you energy rejuvenates you to work in the next day or next life, so death is a friend in deed and as per Gita it is changing of clothes, what dies is the body but never the Soul. God is the Soul, ever fresh and ever young and in the present only, invisible like the fragrance in the flower hidden in each living being and when the Soul departs our body becomes un-functioning and decays and emits foul smell although the body organs still remain there. Just ponder over what was the energy that kept the body fresh and functional from Birth to Death and where is that in the living Body who claims ‘I’ ‘My’ or ‘Mine’ my body, my head etc that must be some thing other than the Biological body. Realization of that ‘I’ is possible only through meditation as I have experienced. Ask who am I & where am I, learn to understand your reality and don’t identify yourself with the body which is subject to decay but the real you , the self is not subject to dacay or death. Be an observer , a witnessing self ,beyond your body Your body dies but never the SELF..No religious books, dogmas and/or rituals can get you that realization rather they confuse you. Travel light if you must is an old proverb, hence go without Mind, without any scriptures and discard all that is man made. Trust your Nature than man you shall find him NOW, HERE, which to non-meditators is seen NO, WHERE. It is a matter of placing coma at the proper place with meditative wisdom which is the grace of GOD, it can’t be purchased and/or learnt through books or rituals.

Its not only for human beings but each living being be it Birds, Animals and/or trees every body is withen the care of the Invisible controller. He takes care of each leaf and branch of a tree whom to allow to grow or not to grow, just watch a tree where some branches/leaves are fresh and some decaying although the place and atmosphere is same. Is it not a mystery to be lived in reverence? If a small bird or a puppy of a dog can live alone under all seasons and environments why can’t you ‘O’ man? Have you been made feeble and helpless than these birds and animals because of your borrowed knowledge acquired from Rituals Dogmas and scriptures? Ponder over and meditate, better late than never.


@Oshoite Sw Anand Aman

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